Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.


Some people these days are advocating for libraries to be saved for various reasons, often though do not use them themselves. Here's why I think libraries should be allowed to die.

1. They are Obsolete

In 2019 the entire content of every single library in the world not just my basic local library is available to me on a tiny hand held device such as an i-pad and that's up to date information not encylopedias from the 1920s. A portable reader like a Kindle or iPad, the convenience of accessing books on a beach, up a mountain, or anywhere else for that matter, can be irresistible. The sheer speed of research and interactivity of the internet make it an altogether richer experience than traditional libraries.

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.
Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

2. Environmental & financial reasons.

Libraries are large buildings that are mostly vacant except for the books inside, but these buildings need to be heated and maintained. Many are very old buildings which makes maintaining and heating them extremely costly, and to make them more environmentally sound would be expensive and not very effective. There's also the staff that have to be paid which costs the taxpayers money as libraries do not generate any money. Then there is the effect on the environment with all the trees from the Amazon being cut down just for the paper alone. All this completely unnecessary considering a person can access all the information they want on their tablet warm in their own home with minum co2 and monetary expenditure.

3. Libraries are misused.

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

Libraries are now places where all manner of people congregate such a drug users, alcoholics homeless people, peadophilles and other sex offenders and though I sympathise with homeless people though many are violent and unsanitary the money used funding large empty buildings would be better spent on homeless shelters. Honestly I can't imagine taking kids to a public library these days. Old people like to congregate there to read & sit or whatever but they can do that in coffee shops, community centres or old people homes. Some would argue that libraries now are mostly to do with internet & computer access for those that have no access which is fine, so a building with no books a free internet openzone for wifi access, a few tablets and about 20 computers in a room or small building that doesn't cover half an acre with books would suffice that need. My local library is a notorious place for teens to snog though it's recently become synonymous for dogging, combined with the alcoholics, drug abusers and pervs it's a recipe for disaster.

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

4. Books are vandalised.

You know what I'm talking about some cretin has gone to the bother of drawing penises & boobs in a book you've picked up or worse left you a gift in the green form of boggars on the page. Once i picked a photography to find the pages with female nudes stuck together.( of course boys will be boys). I read books that people have edited, some have been censored while others have had their endings revealed midway through the book or even the last pages of a climatic ending ripped out.

5. Libraries are not needed as a local forum.

Engage in local democracy some might say, that Community forums in libraries are the perfect place to meet and engage in local politics because they're neutral, non-judgemental spaces, that Libraries do so much more than just give information, there are community discussion groups and reading groups where you can talk about green initiatives or economic issues. Well again this is really grasping at straws there are other places you can do that from town halls to community centres, places that actually serve a real purpose in soceity in 2019.

6. Most things a library can do is surplus to requirement.

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

From entertaining kids with puppet shows, to art exhibits, to reading programmes for kids, to information awareness, to charity you name it can be performed by another organisation. Want to teach kids to read or lend them books or show them a puppet show well why not use the local school library. Having an art exhibit then why not a gallery or the town hall. Having a charity event well why not anywhere else?

7. Libraries have changed

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

What we think of as "The Library" is no longer the Library, "The Library" is now a global digital database not some dusty old building that houses the relics of the printing press. There's been a revolution in how we access information, it's time we all got with the times.

8. Books are heavy

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

Part if the reason libraries are obsolete is that books are heavy. Carrying around any real amount if knowledge in book form is damaging. Who knows how many school kids grew up to have bad posture and develop back problems thanks to all the heavy text books they had to hump around to & from school, thankfully those days are soon to be over for good.


Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

Certain historic libraries should be saved but the fact is that libraries are now completely obsolete and unnecessary to justify the taxpayers continuing to fund them especially as the public is no longer using them and instead is using the internet and reading books online. Now libraries are attempting to adapt to the new reality of information & books available fast at the tap of a few keys but ultimately they've served their purpose and no amount of yoga classes can save them. So why not save the taxpayer's money and save the environment by shutting down the majority of libraries and make better use of the taxpayer's money and the property libraries occupy.

Libraries i applaud your long service to society and civilisation but it's time for you to die.

Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.

#SaveOurLibraries no #LetOurLibrariesDie or #LibrariesDeadOnArrivial or #LibrariesTimeToDie


Libraries!!! Why we shouldn't save them.
93 Opinion