Why is it woke to tell the truth about Christopher Columbus?


1. He did not discover the world was round. I don't know who started this dumb rumor. But I was taught this nonsense in kindergarten. Most folks in his age, knew the world was round. We have known the world was round since Ancient Greece, when Eratosthenes calculated the curvature of the earth by looking at lengths of shadows at different times of the day.

2. He was a poor navigator. He had no idea of where he was when he landed in the West Indes. He thought he was on the other side of the globe.

3. He didn't discover America. He didn't set one single foot on the continents of North/South America. In fact, he didn't discover anything. Folks were already living where he landed, the Taino Indians.

4. Easily he is one of the most brutal genocidal people in history. All of his exploits are detailed by his own words and by the accounts of Bartolomé de Las Casas. Las Casas detailed his own eyewitness accounts of Columbus and his men. They brutally enslaved the Taino Indians. They raped women and children. They would literally cut off the arms and limbs of Taino Indians to test the sharpness of their swords. An account from Las Casas. . .

“They [Spanish explorers] forced their way into native settlements, slaughtering everyone they found there, including small children, old men, pregnant women, and even women who had just given birth. They hacked them to pieces, slicing open their bellies with their swords as though they were so many sheep herded into a pen. They even laid wagers on whether they could slice a man in two at a stroke, or cut an individual’s head from his body, or disembowel him with a single blow of their axes. They grabbed suckling infants by the feet and, ripping them from their mothers’ breasts, dashed them headlong against the rocks. Others, laughing and joking all the while, threw them over their shoulders, shouting, ‘Wriggle, you little perisher.’

Why is it woke to tell the truth about Christopher Columbus?

I get that some folks like the guy or consider him a hero. But there ought to be room enough in this country for us to understand the truth about him. It ain't a political decision. If you read Las Casas account and read Columbus own diary entries you are repulsed. If you don't want to read that history or remember him that way, that's on you. I ain't trying to convince you.

His own words;

“They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things... They willingly traded everything they owned... They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane... . They would make fine servants... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

Why is it woke to tell the truth about Christopher Columbus?

AceVane probably has the most accurate account of this dude online.

Why is it woke to tell the truth about Christopher Columbus?
62 Opinion