Aren't most women exhibitionists?

I mean, that's what "Free the Nipple" and all of these "Slutwalks" are all about, isn't it? That's why women's outfits get skimpier and skimpier every season, why they walk around dressed like this:
Aren't most women exhibitionists?
And do stuff like this:

Just look at how much more revealing than men's casual clothing women's casual clothing is, but which they all say they wear solely for their own sake, and not for anyone else, especially not men, just like they say about make-up ("clothing/=consent").

And to cap it all off, so many of these women also seem to derive pleasure from sexualizing and parading their own little girls around as well, in the same way that they do themselves. That's what child beauty pageants, along with things like Dance Mums, are all about:
Aren't most women exhibitionists?
So then, why does it seem like it's encouraged, in Western society, especially by feminists and left-wing libertarians, for women, and indeed, girls of all ages, to be full-blown sexual exhibitionists? And why do you think this has come to be the case- how has female nudity, and near-nudity, managed to become both increasingly normalized and increasingly sexualized at the same time?
Of course, they all are
Vote A
Sure, most are
Vote B
I dunno, lots are, but lots aren't
Vote C
No, most are NOT
Vote D
Vote E
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't think they are exhibitionists. Not in the classical sense. On the contrary. Let me explain.

    Women dress skimpy - and fashion follows this - because they want attention. But they don't want attention for the sake of attention (that is exhibitionism), they want attention because they know that a woman who gets a lot of attention by men also gets a lot of LOVE from men. Women in the modern day are often addicted to care and compassion and positive feedback from men - be that a friend, or an unknown person across the world. This applies to men too, to a certain extent. But generally speaking, this is on women. Think about social media. Who uses Facebook, and Instagram, and Twitter, and Tumblr, and Snapchat more? Women. Because they can get a ton of positive feedback for their.

    And so why do they deny this, saying "they just dress like this for themselves"?
    The same reason why a smoker says "I could quit any time if I wanted. I just like the taste of it. It calms me down." etc. It's rationalising and normalising an addiction, to feel better about yourself. Because let's be honest, this is not good for women. Not on the long run. All good things come to an end. This leads to insecurities, mental health issues, and eventually things like anorexia, or spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgeries that ruin your body. Not to mention getting into toxic/abusive realtionshipsm, or possibly being raped.

    So yeah. Women are not exhibitionists, they are addicted to positive reassurance, and they are willing to do anything for it. Even giving up their own dignity. Most women don't like being half naked in public. But complement them, and they feel like it was all worth it.

    Truly pathetic, to be honest.

    And for the record, I do not hate these people, I feel sorry for them.
    Also, dressing up sexy for your partner is NOT the same as dressing up sexy to fuel unknown men on Instragram to stroke your ego.

  • Haha!!!

    Another blue anon special!

    Men's lust is all due to women's clothing. You mean in nations where women must fully clothed from head to toe, there is no rape or sexual harassment?

    And yeah, I am quite certain that women who are single try to attract men's attention in way they can. That is including their dress. Men don't usually show skin to attract women. They do it in other ways.

    I can tell you all about it if you wish to learn.

    • Of course I don't. Didn't mention men, men's lust, or even sexual attractiveness, at any stage. But it is classic sexual exhibitionist behaviour, is it not?

    • Sir, are you referring to a mental disorder? Because women are not mentally ill. They do their part in the ritual of courtship that has taken place since God created human kind. There is nothing wrong, evil or disgusting about that. It is apart of normal human social interactions.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Most women don’t go to slut walks, but you’re right, I’ve seen what you’re referring to. But consider that I wear only long skirts and don’t wear tank tops and I get looked at like I’m crazy by both men and women. It doesn’t stop me, but that is the reality of our culture. I suppose the only way to change is is one person at a time. I don’t mind so much if women dress crazy as long as I don’t have to.

  • Statistically speaking, I cannot say 'most' women are nor can I say the opposite. Although, I have frequently witnessed numerous women dressing sultry on the most unnecessary occasions.

    Could this possibly correlate to devolution?

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 14
  • You do realize that just a few years ago mens nipples were also considered as nudity and not allowed to be shown publicly right?

    And then we have this:

    Aren't most women exhibitionists?

    Which leaves about as much to the imagination as that one statue with a fig leaf covering the private parts.

    • Oh, please. That's nothing- if you wanted a male example, should've gone with this:
      Aren't most women exhibitionists?

      And even that's actually less exposing, and more substantial, that this:
      Aren't most women exhibitionists?

      Yet, how many women dress like that, or expose even more than that?

    • Do you want to measure the surface area that he is exposing vs the surface area that she is? I mean he is flaunting quite a lot more than she could ever hope for since putting the boobies aside the rest is pretty much just flat.

    • He's exposing the same amount of flesh as the guy in the pic you posted. And actually, less than her, as a portion of body surface area (though women have significantly more body surface area relative to body size than men- e. g, the increased surface area of her boobs, ass, thighs and hips). You just don't see it, because it's normal in your eyes for women to dress like that- because female sexual exhibitionism is normalized.

    • Show All
  • Notice it's always skinny women doing this have you ever see a 400-pound woman do it or a 200 pound one? no, because someone would have call the cops on them to get arrested. This is clearly a small population of women doing it.

    • Weight is irrelevant regarding the context?

    • @linaashxx Not really he claiming all women do this but how many fat women have you seen wearing clothing like this? I barely see them because many fat women are very self-conscious of themselves.

  • Most women do not dress like that or take part in slutwalk. They are a very small percentage. And if women are exhibitionist for free the nipple than damn near ever man is for the same reason.

  • Classic example of a warped mind and "loud minority vs silent majority". No most people are not exhibitionists.

    • If they aren't, why do most females engage in exhibitionism?

    • I have a better question. If most males aren't exhibitionists then why do the do it?


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  • So honest it's funny. Maybe Holmes maybe.

  • A lot of women are all about this belief that you should "flaunt it if you got it". So, it's hilarious that they're now all saying "NO, WE DON'T DO THAT". When, on this site alone, so many of them say women should wear whatever they want and flaunt their bits. They make the excuse that they feel beautiful when half naked. They even show up at interviews half naked.

  • Nope

  • My girlfriend exhibitionist and sexualised by encouragement of her mom as well her mom sexy and attractive too.
    I got no problems at all whatsoever she wear, I support and encouraged her

  • Not from what I have seen. Some do that but a lot of them I have met don't.

  • yup... i don't understand why they think they need to do it.

    its women who are over sexualizing women.

  • Meh. If you just wear something hot because you are an attractive female then that is good, but if you go overboard it just makes you look like a slut. But men have revealing clothing too. If you are muscular, you usually wear something super tight or a deep v neck or you could unbutton a button down about halfway

  • U r being very rude. It's ur limitations that u can't even imagine to do so. Don't judge people.

    • Guessing you're one of the white knights who voted for option E then...

    • Golden-Thread, the white knight cuck

    • Yeah, I guess I'm. U r black lover so please enjoy all black beauties in this world.

  • There is a Brunette Host on JTV that is and was

  • Not all are
    But yes I am.

    • My girlfriend too, I proud of her.

  • nothing wrong with being proud of your body

    • So say the myriad of male pedo-pervs who leap out of bushes and ambush schoolgirls with their dicks dangling out in the breeze...

    • then thats their fault. doesn't give them the right to do it

    • So why does that give women the right to do it?

    • Show All
  • It's not really that common dude. Just because it's getting clicks, and likes and coverage, doesn't mean it's super common.

    Also, I suspect some feminists are interested in women having a CHOICE as to what to wear or not wear. Others are more interested in TELLING women what they should or shouldn't do. There's a pretty big difference between those groups, so it's not terribly useful to use the term "feminist" to describe both, because it doesn't differentiate enough.

    • It really is super-common dude. Try visiting a bar or a club some time, and take a look at the average level of female skin exposure there, even in mid-winter. Hell, just go to a class, and look at how exposing the average schoolgirl's school-wear now is. You'd be surprised.

    • Yeah okay--if you go to a bar yes. But try going to an office or any other professional place. You won't find it's very common across the whole of the population. It IS common though in certain areas as you point out. But then, those are areas where people are going in order to find people to have sex with, so it's not terribly surprising that they dress accordingly. Is this something you have a problem with?

    • Not really. But it's reached the stage where literally no amount of skin exposure's the slightest bit exciting or arousing to me any more. It's just- normal. Mundane, everyday. You have to learn to ignore it, to switch off your arousal at all times whenever you go out in public, because women in public, and yes, in even the most professional workplace, dress no differently from strip-club and brothel workers. To the extent where you can't switch it back on again- it's just like "Oh, that woman's naked now, rubbing her tits and her clit at me. Ah well, nothing to see here".

  • Lmao someone got rejected by a promiscuous woman.

    • You kidding? I don't approach bitches who dress like hoes, period. And as a result, I'm increasingly finding that there's no-one left to approach- every girl who looks remotely attractive dresses like a slut, and acts like it too.

    • Then you're jus attracted to 'hoes'.

    • No, I'm just attracted to women between the ages of 16 and 25, who have a BMI under 25, and who don't have disfiguring physical or mental disabilities.

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  • Voted a

    • Oh no you didn't

  • Stop dreaming

    • What of? The days when professional strippers were dressed less modestly than the average schoolgirl on the street, instead of more so?

    • I dont know what strip clubs you go to but theyre certainly not the ones that i go to.