This Is Why North Korea Can't Get a Missile Stateside

First, please at least scroll through this article describing different radar platforms:...
0 4

Feminism: Women Can't Handle Equality?

I came across this video of Katie Hopkins where she says that most women can't handle equality and that feminism is a shout for...
17 42

Changing my Western Worldview Helped me Stop the Objectification of Women

I had always thought of myself as an egalitarian seeing that women are men’s equals I grew up in an environment seeing that as the norm....
10 22

5 Useful Life Lessons to Help You In Life

Most people seem to think that you need to have experience in order to learn how life works. While I don’t think it’s wrong, I do think...
0 2

Why I Don't Believe in Multiculturalism

It reduces trust in other ethnicities It does. It also reduces trust in general. According to scientific evidence people regardless of...
13 31


The alt-right got the attention they wanted today as the news media lit up with violent photos of the hate group rally and counter...
0 2

What has become of this country and who is to blame for what has become of it

You been warned.. “There may be somebody with...
3 5

Whats your opinon on mental illness merch and this meme?

Personally I never find this stuff appropriate and I can't see the humor in this meme. Hopefully this stuff has stopped by now. Its...

Who the hell invented cigarette and what the hell was he/she thinking?

Why would anyone make something you can smoke that's full of tar and all those nasty chemicals? It's like adding rat poison and bleach...

Why is being a straight white male so looked down upon?

I feel like as a straight white male who has a mixture of old ways and new ways, I'm the most despised group in America right now. Why...

Pedo running the music industry?

Just sharing this here. Did you know why Justin Bieber cancelled all his tour? Because here reveals the truth about the music industry....

The Hashtag For Oppressed Men: What' s your viewpoint on Menimism , and do men need Menimism?

Some supporters of Menimism are only joking to make a mockery of feminism , but others are using the hashtag on social media to air...

Turning a child into a transgender - what do you think?

So Jolue-Pitt's daughter Shiloh is only 11, she is being shaped to look like a boy. I think this child is being sacrificed in order to...
6 15

Should people disclose if they're transgender?

Transgenderism has been in the news lately after POTUS Donald Trump passed a law regarding not allowing transgendered men and women into...
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What do you think about polygamy?

I'm wondering what you thinks about it and please reasoning why it's okay or wrong. Anyway, the modern arguments that's used about...
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