A Brief Account of why Abrahamic Theology is Supremacist In Nature

For those of you who have always fundamentally questioned the creationism nonsense espoused in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Ever...
2 9

Why Inclusivity Is A Failure And Hypocritical

1. Brands, especially designer brands, aren't actually becoming more inclusive . Most brands just create hype. H&M for example,...
7 17

A safe and convenient world: with order, freedom, equity and justice

We all have our ideal vision of society. We all think about ways we can inprove society to make it safer and beneficial for all. In this...
3 24

The strained relations between Asian-Americans and liberals explained

Read this before you read the rest of the take: Politics aren’t black and white, everyone is different. It’s not a matter of what side...
7 25

Should We Not Talk About Controversial and Difficult Topics in Public?

Close your fists and open your mind I say yes to controversial topics, because it will spread awareness on a subject that is not widely...
12 28

Why the purpose of life is really Usefulness Happiness...

https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-purpose-of-life-is-not-happiness-it-s-usefulness-1433753935 So as Im shivering in my room, I am...
1 2

Why Can't You Just Admit You're Wrong

6 17

Ready for Conspiracy Theories Part II?

Part 2. 3. Satanism, the Occult, Child Sacrifice and More...

Why do people judge women who date younger men?

Men date younger women all the time and it's "normal" but people have something to say when a woman dates a younger man. I've dated...
43 106

What Did Disabled Slaves Do? Did Slaves Work In Chains?

I'm wondering on: 1. How disabled slaves worked and what they did. For example blind slaves. What happen to them? 2. Were slaves...

What is your #1 most important goal in your life? Why is that your goal?

For me, it’s meeting a woman I love, marrying her, and having a children. In other words, starting a family is my #1 most important...
35 43

Is It Offensive For The Irish Flag To Be Flown Outside An Irish County Hall?

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What is your political compass result?

Mine below https://www.politicalcompass.org Test is here
12 35

Do you think American Indians/Native Americans/First Nations should be grouped into the same race as East Asians on the US or Canada census?

since American Indians from all over the Americas are essentially Siberian/North Asian descendants who crossed the Bering Strait to the...
0 2

Do you ever feel hatred towards the opposite sex?

Unfortunately, I do all the time. Well, I don't until someone starts making personal attacks that many other girls have made to me that...
69 106

Is it wrong to want to be naked forever?

Let’s say you are given the opportunity to be naked whenever you want with no legal repercussions. However in exchange for this...
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Are Women Socially Equal To Men?

All I will say for now is that there are Too Many Double Standards.
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