Part 4: Why I refuse to play nice in the sand box. VCF 911 FUNDING - 'An Affirmation That Congress Is Keeping...
1 2

You have any 1st Amendment Rights. As long as you support me and only me.
2 5

Why the Betsy Ross Flag Matters

This will be a very short and sweet take for anyone who doesn't understand the Betsy Ross nike furor. The left is almost united in...
4 15

"Blackfishing" I am proud to reject this societal pressure and be a strong serene White Queen👑💎❤❤❤❤❤

I'm sure we've all noticed the called "blackfishing" trend in which white women try to make themselves appear as not white, to me these...
19 53

Oh yes, another #NOTMYARIEL rant 😄

DISCLAIMER: IF IT DONT APPLY, LET IT FLY! I honestly do not understand this fake selective outrage. The live action Cinderella remake in...
4 18

A Brief Analysis of MGTOW and Feminism and the Ties That Bind

Ho boy, isn’t this a contentious topic. Needless to say, this Take is purely for opinions and discussion. This is not a forum to slam or...
1 23

Fake News Purveyor can't even stomach their own brew

So the Fake News Machine is getting heat from the man behind the machine......
3 3

Anybody else agree that black people need to stop victimizing themselves?

I notice all the time that black people in particular love to complain about things and blame stuff on race. Someone doesn’t give them...

Is there a country where feminism is illegal that’s not a Islamic country or China?

I can’t stand feminist women are awesome feminist suck seattle has officially caused me to hate feminist way way way to many stupid idea...

Have you accepted the black pill yet?

So. . . was in DMs with ' someone ' and now I got to thinkin' about the blackpill I know some people reject it but you can't reject the...

Which is a bigger, more powerful movement, and why? Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide,...
2 9

What makes a female alpha? Are you alpha?

Isn’t it a confident woman that attracts lots of guys? I’m alpha.
23 21

How many genders do you think there are?

-posted in girls behaviour but aimed at BOTH genders- How many genders do you think there are? I believe there is only 2 genders,...
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