MGTOW explained

I've been reading these comments about MGTOW and the problem is that MGTOW has been placed in a vacuum that is isolated in its...
2 20

Hathloul Al Loujain

I really hope this article gets promoted because this lady has changed history. She created a revolution in the country. She has proved...
1 6

Foriegn meddling in the 2020 elections. Motive, Means, and Opportunity.

It is coming out that not only is there evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election, but that there was significant foriegn...
4 21

No. More. Politics The last 5 years have made me feel many things. Rage, Confusion, Bitterness, Sorrow and most of all...Hatred. Hatred that I...
0 4

Confessions of a Ladies Man-Women get wet for a guy with values, standards, and is on his purpose!

Being a man with values and standards in life makes you a king. An alpha. A noble and honorable gentleman. If you don't have that then...
4 7

What is your take on the "Coronavirus"? Do you think it was all planned?

I believe "Covid" was all planned out by Bill Gates about 8 years ago. There is a ted talk where Bill Gates talks about the need for...
1 16

Black Lives Matter and what it actually means

Okay so if a cause is important enough to someone they should be able to take the time to explain it properly. This is what I am doing...
8 27

Do you believe in this phrase? "Breed out racism"?

By the way, "All Lives Matter"!

Why do some people like starting conflicts?

I'm asking this because it's always been am ongoing theme in my life of where people would want to start shit with me when I seemingly...

Why do you hate the terms "alpha" and "beta"?

If a man who by and large embodies what's considered beta per the concepts I can understand why they would take issue with it. They have...

Racism! Anyone else tired of hearing about it?

Ewww my stomach is currently in knots bc like an idiot , I've spent the day watching the news and being on GAG and reading comments on...

Men, why do you hate feminism?

I would just like to hear your perspective :)
6 109

How was 2020 for you?

2020 for me had a lot of potential because I was turning 21, getting my LTC, voting for the first time, I was at my goal weight of 182...
5 12

When whites become a minority in the US in about 40 years, do you think they will become slaves?

White are not having as many babies as they used to. Many white women have been brainwashed by feminism to believe that being a mother...
5 43

God accused of rape on controversial tv sketch. Thoughts?

Around the New Year’s countdown, an Irish channel showed a comedy sketch of God being apprehended on rape charges. Inevitably, it wasn’t...
2 17

Do You Think Life Lives In The Oceans of Europa and Io?

Europa and Io are two of Jupiter's moons. Both have oceans underground. Many scientists think there are live there!! Where there is...
1 9

Does this mean Egyptians were white?

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