What fuels the political left's madness.

At a time when the economy has been decimated by COVID-19, the virtue-signaling left have gone from demanding people respect the...
3 11

FEMALE ROBOTS: My Friend's View VS Mine from two biochems: Eugenics and Why Unwanted Men SHOULD Get A Robot VS Why Every Man Deserves A Chance At Love

Hilarious topic, yes, I know. I was laughing myself at a post on here almost all day. My friend and I literally sat there talking and...
2 26

Let's Talk, Listen, Ask, and Understand (Part 1): "White Guilt", Speaking Up, "All Lives Matter".

Firstly, I wasn't even going to write about everything that's gone on now Because every time I speak my opinion on this website, people...
6 27

Problems in Society: Is Religion The Cause?

Certain viewpoints suggest that religion is what causes most of society's problems. From past times our society has been built up from...
0 7

Do Black Lives Really Matter?

This is an combined edit of other original works and I do not own it. Of course Black lives matter. Conservative policies, values,...
3 10

Black people criticising the #BlackLivesMatter for its hypocrisy, double standards and violence, which contradict the cause itself

https://www.youtube.com/embed/RILRdOPH4S0 This is a must listen speech. This is better than all ted talks combined. He has summarised...
0 11

My musings on politics, people, race, and racism going into the future.

There is a serious problem with having a civic nationalism that couples itself with the idea that humans are interchangeable...
0 1

Can you be racist to white people?

Yes I’m redoing this question I’m not a troll. I got a bunch of conspiracy theorists last time who thought blm was just a way of...
12 40

Hey black people- is there blackface you’re ok with?

It seems to me there’s an entertainment area where it should be ok. But I haven’t been marginalized for my skin tone. So I refer to you!...

Why does everyone hate incels so much?

I can understand women hating them cause they're short ugly men who want sex. But I don't understand how men can't feel empathy with...

Are Mexican - Americans the originators of the durag / Bandana were they also the first to wear hoop earrings? Did they build the residence I occupy?

(I live in California by the way ) . Micheal jordan might not own the entirety of " Jordan " however he still profits off the...

What do you think of the new names for "Cracker Barrel" (Satrical purposes only)?

To me Honky Bucket sounds like a bad fast food joint 🤣🤣. Can you imagine some parent somewhere asking "Who wants burgers from the...

Are women identifying as anti-feminist basically meaningless? Agree or disagree?

Here’s a paraphrased quote from a red pill man. If you’ve been raised in a westernized culture since 1960, feminist ideologies have...
19 74

What are your best ideas to police "black" people, and people, who are scared of police?

Explanation : Some black people are easily triggered by fear of Police, control and authority. The fear and rage they feel relates back...
2 22

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