Girls more than guys are more free market capitalist individuals

Hear me out. I know it's the reverse in terms of economics and wealth, but in terms of body and dating, they're like- too bad nice guy....
0 3

History of Asian-Americans in the US military

Asian-Americans are the most marginalized racial group in the West. Especially by the social justice crowd who consider Asian-Americans...
3 16

Why do people forget that Evil comes in all colors not just black or white?

Evil comes in all colors, don't let the media tell you otherwise... Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. is an American serial killer, serial...
2 6

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

1) India 2) Afghanistan 3) Syria 4) Somalia 5) Saudi Arabia 6) Pakistan 7) Democratic Republic of Congo 8) Yemen 9)...
5 16

Why is having pride in something that isn't "White" seen as a bad thing to the GaG faithful?

So let's just start taking this apart. First Statement; Now, I DO NOT identify with my race or ethnicity at all. I think of myself as...
2 14

More free women

I'm a big firm believer in self esteem and everyone needs it. Paradoxically I think some people need hard truth delivered to them...
0 2

International relations. Everybody gets their turn.

You can not look at citizens of a country and judge them based on who their president is. You can't do that while having sensibility or...
2 3

What stories have you heard of human trafficking?

Its real here apparently and police are in on it.

What do you think of the Cuties? Do you think Netflix normalizes pedophilia?

Finally, do you think Twerk is femininity or dance?

Female privelage?

Most of us can agree that women, especially in America, have it tough. They have to deal with sexism, misdiagnosis from medical...

What is your opinion about the tension between Turkey and Greece in Mediterranean Sea?

If Greek claims are accepted, the exclusive economic zones of UK and France must be such a things

Do you agree with the Blackpill?

Blackpill 101 : (They understand the game is rigged so there s no point dating. Females can't value cake if they get cake every single...

I feel like American culture has a paranoiac fear and disdain for "fat" on women's body? Is my sentiment wrong?

Not so long ago, even western beauty standards weren't as obsessed with low body fat% on women. A pudgy stomach or chubbier arms weren't...

Would you have a sexual relationship with someone who is from an enemy country of the country you are from and love?

Example: You are from Palestine and he/she is from Israel, or you are from the US and he/she is from Syria (these are just examples...

Are men and women equal?

Or is one of the genders superior to the other?
22 79

You attend a college/young adult party and see the following in the open... which would freak you out the most?

In this day and age we see people comfortable enough to do private things in public. Why would you make the choice you made? Is it...
1 2

Did you know that Steven Adams, current NBA player for the Oklahoma City Thunder, is the youngest of 18 children that his dad, Sid Adams had?

This is Steven Adams on far right with 12 of his 17 siblings. The picture only shows 13 of the 18 children that Sid Adams had from 5...
0 3

Do you think the Kenosha protest shooter should be charged with murder or was it self defense?

should be charged with murdering the blm protesters?
1 9

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