Russia: Not Even In The Top 5 Issues Americans Care About Most


So why do the mainstream networks spend 55% of their news coverage on Russia when only 6% of Americans care about it?

Russia: Not Even In The Top 5 Issues Americans Care About Most

Notice how the media push A BIASED LIBERAL POLITICAL AGENDA down the throats of Americans disguised as honest reporting and spend more time on topics Americans find far less important -- especially if they support a liberal agenda -- than on the topics far more important to Americans.

This is a disgusting tale of massive liberal media bias, media dishonesty, anti-democratic media principles and radical liberal political propaganda disguised as news... and it goes against everything this country stands for.

The news media today are in collusion with Democrats to push their agenda at the expense of what the American people find important. They have become nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece for the left. Instead of fairly reporting the news and responding to what the American people find important, their agenda is to TELL the American people what THEY want them to do, what THEY want them to believe, what THEY want them to think.

They don't want THE PEOPLE to be in control of the country. They want their liberal puppet-masters to be in control instead... even if it means using lies, fake news, false propaganda and deception to overturn the democratic will of the people and the duly elected President THE PEOPLE chose.

I can't think of anything more anti-democratic or anti-American than that.

Russia: Not Even In The Top 5 Issues Americans Care About Most

Networks Spend 55% of Time Covering Russia-Trump, But Only 6% of Americans Say It’s ‘Top Issue’

Russia: Not Even In The Top 5 Issues Americans Care About Most
12 Opinion