An open letter to those who think eating Tide Pods is ok

An open letter to those who think eating Tide Pods is ok

Lately there’s been this meme about Tide Pods being edible. Tide pods are a laundry detergent not a snack. So if you don’t like what I’m getting ready to say feel free to delete me.

If you really believe eating tide pods are ok and are a harmless meme you’re full of shit. Tide pods are dangerous and deadly. As kids we were told not to eat mud,dirt , or bugs. But yet we’re having to tell idiots not to eat laundry detergent because of a meme saying it’s ok to. Doctors are saying it’s deadly even NFL players are saying not to do so. The memes say a tide pod is a forbidden fruit. Well, you know what I’m not religious but I remember in the Bible the story of Adam and Eve and they ate a forbidden fruit and that messed them up.

Long story short: if you eat a tide pod, Tide is not responsible for what happens next, nor will I feel sorry for the stupidity of those who do.



An open letter to those who think eating Tide Pods is ok
16 Opinion