Demisexuality, Part I – My Story

I am already anticipating a lot of the responses that I will likely receive for writing this mytake. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people who tell me that I don’t understand my own sexuality, or blatantly that my sexuality doesn’t exist. I’m ready for that, and frankly don’t give two shits if people want to try and tear this take apart, because I’m not here for them; I’m here for the guy or girl out there who doesn’t understand why they’re different, or even what/who they are. I’m writing this hoping it will reach other people like me, who live in fear and confusion for not being one of the more openly discussed “alternative” sexualities. In this series of takes, I am going to talk about my personal experience discovering my sexuality and other takes that will focus more on the facts about demisexuality, to shine light on a generally very unknown sexuality.

I don’t mean to belittle homosexuality or bisexuality in any way, but it’s pretty fair to say that they have far more representation that the folks who fall under the spectrum of asexual to demisexual. I figure it’s because, for us, it’s far less about our sexual preference, and more about what we need in order to form romantic bonds or connections. Asexuals, of course, have no sexual desire whatsoever, and many are also aromantic, with little to no desire to even partake in relationships. Of course, this isn’t true for them all. Demisexuals on the other hand, we’re very complicated. The “official” definition of demisexual describes itself as a person who falls under the spectrum of asexual (not being interested in and even repulsed at times by sex) unless there is a strong emotional bond, where they can then at times achieve arousal. The truth is though, is that demisexuals are extremely complicated, and most websites offering information on them will explicitly state that. For every demi it’s different, which is why it isn’t as actively recognized and is often challenged by those who belong to different sexual communities, simply because its complexity leaves us stranded between a grey area that lies between asexual and sexual.

I didn’t even realize I was demisexual until about a few months ago, after my attempts at establishing new romantic relationships inevitably failed. I had been working on my appearance to assist in this task, and noticed very immediately that I was getting more attention from people who initially never took interest in me before, primarily old platonic friends or acquaintances. It didn’t take long before people began trying to sexually engage me, and quite honestly, it was repulsive. I felt literally grossed out that these people who were friends of the past were thinking of me in a sexual way, especially considering none of them were particularly close friends either. It left me cringing and no longer responding to their messages or calls, because I didn’t want anything to do with what they were after. It didn’t stop there however; I was approached in public as well, by people who definitely weren’t unattractive … but, I felt nothing for them. No attraction, no interest, definitely no sexual attraction … nothing. I forced myself to hand out a few numbers, but nothing ever panned out. Everybody seemed like they just wanted sex … and no matter how attractive they were I didn’t feel anything remotely sexual towards them. It left me wondering what was wrong with me and why I was suddenly having this problem … until I thought about it. I had always had this problem.

Demisexuality, Part I – My Story

From the time that I was thirteen, sex was a complicated issue for me. Puberty hit, my hormones were out of whack, and an interest in sex slowly but surely formed in my mind. However, it didn’t manifest in the way it seemed to for other girls; while other girls were interested in relationships or boys, I was more interested in fantasy role plays and fantasizing by myself. I would fantasize about two (non-existent) people or characters. There was always a strong emotional connection between the two, and they would perform sexual type “acts” with each other … but never the real thing. I had this strange aversion to actual intercourse, even at the height of my sexual interest, which were my preteen years. It was always about affection, giving, love and a distinct lack of pressure. Everyone in these fantasies were so in tuned with one another that they didn’t have to tell the other what they wanted; they just knew. It was more about this intense emotional and spiritual connection they had with each other that made what they were doing “okay” in my little preteen mind, who still thought that having sex was naughty and reserved for people in love. Of course, as I got older, my views changed slightly.

I knew that sex wasn’t wrong, but I knew that for me, I wanted there to be love before I even considered anything. If I couldn’t be with somebody I loved, then I didn’t want to have sex. I figured the safest way to make sure I only had sex with somebody that I loved was to wait until marriage. Mind you, I expected to be married at the age I am now: my very early twenties – so I didn’t think I would have too long to wait and I didn’t have to worry about it. I would get a boyfriend, we would fall in love, be the exception and stay together forever and get married. Then, in that moment when our wedding ended, I would have the sudden desire to have sex.

Demisexuality, Part I – My Story

Of course I realize how stupid that sounds now. But there was no open discussion about relationships and sex in my house; the best I got was my mom warning me that men are pigs, no matter what. Just like before, my views changed shortly after I finally got my first boyfriend at age seventeen. I liked him more than I had ever liked anyone before, because … well … I had NEVER liked anyone else before. He was special. Even though he was just an average guy, his personality and the way he made me feel made him the most attractive guy in the entire school. He knew how to get past my barriers and was patient with my hesitation. Before I knew it, I was crushing hard on the guy.

That’s when all of the confusion really began.

We held hands, we cuddled, we kissed – all of the things normal lovers do. We went on dates, went to dances together – he was my first everything. Well, almost. Early in our relationship, we were dazzled and infatuated with one another, attending two dances back to back in the span of a month or so. I was attracted to him and I liked him, I knew that for sure. Then, something happened that would confuse me, and tip me off to my sexuality years later as an adult. We were huddled in the corner of the venue, talking and being cute as couples do, when all of the sudden, I felt him grab my breast. I looked down and confirmed my suspicion. He had – during a lull in the conversation – put his hand against me and began silently groping me. I was stunned, and just stood there, confused. The action didn’t feel aggressive, and it didn’t feel wrong either … as a matter of fact, it felt like … nothing. I felt nothing. It didn’t feel good, but it didn’t feel bad – more uncomfortable than anything, but it mostly felt like nothingness – numbness even. Complete emotional numbness. So I remained still, until he pulled away suddenly, shocked at what he had done, claiming he didn’t mean to; he pictured it in his head and acted it out while he was in a daze, or so he said. It was at this moment, when I was still just getting to know this wonderful guy that who I was inside poked her head out of the darkness, even if I didn’t realize it then.

The reason the situation so desperately confused me was that, months later (after a brief separation) me and this guy met up for what one could call a last hurrah: he was going off to an army university in Quebec, and I was switching parental homes due to familial issues. We decided to meet one last time and spend the afternoon together before parting ways, and I can’t lie and say that it wasn’t one of the most sad and beautiful moments of my life. We hung out at the park, cuddled, and I had my first experience making out too. But there was a moment, a pinnacle moment where I would experience something I had never felt towards another person before. While we were sitting in the grass, he pulled me onto his lap, facing away from him, and put his arms around me while we looked up at clouds. Just then, he asked me if he could “Do something mean”, and I hesitantly said sure, trusting he wasn’t going to do anything truly malicious. Before I knew it, he was blowing raspberries on the side of my neck, a bizarre sensation that sparked something in me that I almost felt ashamed of. Somehow, the feeling of his mouth against my skin gave me a brief, confusing spark of arousal. By now, we had been together for most the school year, and it wasn’t until this time at the park, knowing we would probably never see each other again, that I left the closest to him than I ever had before. It was only when I was sure that he was absolutely special that my walls broke down and I was able to feel sexually thrilled by a very subtle, physical action. It was looking back on this first relationship, comparing it to others, and first learning of the word that I realized I was demisexual. With that knowledge came many obstacles but also many good things. I finally felt like I understood myself, but still feared others wouldn’t.

Demisexuality, Part I – My Story

This is the end of the first part I of the series I intend to do on demisexuality. With my personal story out of the way, the next installment will deal more with what demisexuality is, the culture around it, and understanding what it truly means to be demisexual. If you enjoyed this first installment, let me know in the comments below. It was a long one but I hope you like it. Thanks.

Demisexuality – Part II, The Facts and Misconceptions

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I very much enjoyed this. It's nice to see someone else who gets what it's like. I think you nailed it on the head when you said it's complicated, I know I often find it hard to explain to other people.

    • Well I'm really glad you liked it.

Most Helpful Girl

  • GOD! It's like reading my own thoughts...
    Nice take!

    I didn't even know about this until one of the girls on here explained it. Now I get my own behavior much better.

    • I'm glad you like it.

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  • I have heard of this sexuality before, and sometimes I have wondered if I fit that label. However, I choose to try to not conform to labels. My question is... isn't that normal for many, and many girls? That obviously that they're not going to sexually aroused by the sight of a hot, shirtless guy that they do not personally know? That it requires time to get to know them and develop feelings to get sexually aroused? whereas, guy are usually the ones that are instantly turned on by the sight of a beautiful woman, which doesn't require any feelings? many girls I know are the same way. I didn't know you had to be turned on by half naked, attractive men that you do not know to be considered heterosexual. For me, I don't get turned on by such sights. I can appreciate the male form, and I don't have an aversion to sex. I don't really crave it or feel much of any sexual frustrations because i never had it before. howeever, I am curious about it and think about it often. I don't imagine myself living my whole life without sex at all, and I do hope to fall in love with someone some day that makes me strongly crave and want it. So overall, I do need to be really in love with the guy in every way, to have sex. Does that mean I'm "demisexual"? I don't know, but i don't think so.

    • If you want more info I did a second take that explains all of that.

  • I thiught nots people need some kind of connection before being aroused.

    I can be weirded on my own but I won't feels arousal for a guy or woman without a bond... I just assumed this was normal.

  • I'm demisexual. I thought I was asexual for the longest time simply because no specific guy had ever made me aroused, and because I had never been able to fantasize about a guy without it feeling weird or off. It did nothing to me, it always just turned me off. But then I met this one guy who I managed to form a deep connection with. After two and a half-ish years of knowing him and crushing on him, I could finally feel comfortable enough to fantasize about him, and have sex with him. He's the only guy I've ever felt truly comfortable with, sexually.

    I have a small crush on another guy right now. I don't know him too well though, so he doesn't turn me on at all and if I try to fantasize about him, I still get that weird/wrong feeling.

    Nice mytake! Sad to see some of the comments here though. I don't get why people are so offended by others defining their identity with the help of certain labels. Labels are fine as long as they're not restricting you from being who you are. To use a label to explain a part of yourself is fine. Anyone who doesn't understand the concept should either educate themselves or simply keep quiet.

    I don't understand how explaining you're demisexual is any different from explaining that you like apple pie more than blueberry pie. It doesn't make you a special snowflake, it simply makes you you.

  • And now I know! Thanks for this informative take!

  • What's your view on porn? Does it arouse you in any way? Does it freak you out/are you disgusted by it? Or is it as arousing as a documentary about the evolution of swim techniques considering jellyfish?

    • I feel nothing about it. I sometimes laugh, it sometimes grosses me out, but most of the time I feel nothing./

  • Yeah, this pretty much describes me. If a guy tries to get sexual with me early on, I feel genuinely repulsed.

  • if we want to label it as demisexual then that's fine but I think what you are describing is what is and should be the true nature of LOVE as opposed to sexuality.

    I felt the same thing as you in college. In my freshman year I grew out my hair and wore dreadlocks. Suddenly I'd have girls running up to me saying "I was the most gorgeous man in the world" (I literally heard that at least a dozen times). I'd be in bars and I'd feel a pull on my hair I'd turn around to find a girl flirting and trying to engage me sexually. It repulsed me beyond words. I actually was turn between a hairstyle I loved and the unwanted attention I was getting.

    it confirmed my belief that I didn't want to be loved or even engaged in a relationship where looks seemed to be the primary catalyst. It reinforced my belief that I don't like the "type" sort of physical attraction versus the "kind of" personal attraction.

    I don't consider myself demisexual. I consider myself a true human. If it helps to put labels on ourselves that's fine but I never saw loving someone for who they are as something to label other than true love

    • The reason demisexuality is labeled is because (most) people have the carnal ability to be aroused without feelings of love involved. Demisexuals can't, in many cases at all (it's different for everyone). I don't feel demisexuality is the natural default to most people since biologically we're wired to want to breed, but everybody is different. I don't view people who aren't demisexuality as not being "true human" as you put it.

    • I don't think I ever said that people who aren't demisexual aren't true humans... if you can point that out that be great but I didn't say that. "I don't consider myself demisexual. I consider myself a true human." that's what I said. which only means I don't label myself with that I label myself a human. please don't put words in my mouth or draw offense where none should be taken

    • I wasn't offended, so I don't think I drew offence to anything.

  • Very, very, VERY good take. I totally get where you're coming from. I used to try and force attraction, until I could grasp aspects of their personality that I genuinely liked, lol. I thought that was normal.

    Tbh, to me, sexuality has always been as simple as - a scale, on which everyone falls at varied points. I never second guessed anything I was feeling; knowing it was different to others. I never saw difference as abnormal. Difference in sexuality IS the commonality.

  • I used to have a friend who identified as demisexual, so reading another person's experience of it was interesting.

    • I'm super happy you liked it, I know people don't write takes like this often. I will be doing a more information-based take, I just wanted to offer a demisexual perspective first.

    • It was good, I'll look forward to it :)

    • Yaay!

  • Okay, I don't mean to be rude here, but I don't see how not being turned on by an out-of-nowhere, out-of-context, over-the-clothes boob-grab and yet being interested by someone putting warm, moist, vibrating pressure on a sensitive area of your body is evidence of a Unique and Complex sexual orientation. Lots of women have fairly insensitive breasts, and don't find random groping particularly hot.

    And frankly, it sounds like your upbringing really predisposed you towards believing that sex is naughty and love is transcendent and interpersonal drama of a romantic nature heightens sexuality. So what you're describing makes perfect sense without having to bring anything on the Asexual spectrum into it. You fantasized about Loving sex, because that was the only kind of sex you could even conceptualize. I grew up believing that it's rude not to take your shoes off when you enter someone's house. I still shudder when I see people, even fictional people on TV, wearing shoes indoors. Stuff has an impact.

    Further, I am a SLUTTY, SLUTTY bisexual. And I still don't find random strangers or people I know who decide that they want to bone me all that attractive. Not unless I find them attractive, and even then I usually manage to keep my pants on. It seems like you're drawing distinctions based on a standard of behavior and sexual identity that you've made up from whole cloth.

    Finally, I wish you'd explain to me how the experience of a hetero female demisexual differs in Any way from the historical conception of female sexuality that Western Society has saddled us with since basically the middle ages- namely, women having No independent sexual desire, but intense desire for romantic connection, and only being capable of sexual pleasure when stimulated by an outside, male, sexual energy in the context of a loving, secure relationship, and as such, how demisexual is an independent sexual orientation, and not just being socialized female or to value relationships and find sexuality suspect.

    • Heterosexual female: can become aroused without deep feelings being absolutely necessary. Demisexual: Cannot feel any sort of arousal or sexual inclination with anybody that they don't have a profound bond with. Done.

  • I'm also demisexual, and I've felt the same way you did in my teen years, and when puberty hit. I was more into fantasy life, and drawing out romantic stories without the sex unless I was planning on having those character produce children, and when that happened I always made them have years and year of them getting to know one another emotionally, spiritually, and romantically to get to that point. I can find guys, and girls of any type physically appealing since I'm and artist (I like to draw anime styled and graphic novel styles art), and like the most proportional of features, and looks, but it doesn't mean I want to have sex with them. To be honest I actually believed I was asexual for a couple of years until I was 20 or around it, but then I realized I was demisexual when I finally started feeling aroused by the simple things my boyfriend (current boyfriend) did. I'm still a virgin, but I'm 90% sure he's the one I want to do everything with. I'm still a tad scared by the thought of it which is why I've only said 90%, but if things do happen between he and I, I know I wouldn't regret it. It doesn't mean I'm in any rush to do anything though. I'm not the rushing type.

  • I got deja vu reading this. How you feel about sex and wanting to really be in love and doing it only then as an act of intimacy to get closer is how I've always seen it, and I've always been mind-blown that that isn't how others see it.

    Of course, my feelings regarding it might be the fact that I'm asexual. I could possibly be demisexual, but I wouldn't know, since I've never dated or gotten that close to anyone. The thing is, though, for me, sex repulses me anyway, so I guess it kind of sucks for me even if I did begin experiencing the sexual attraction and want for sex by having that emotional attachment, I still think I couldn't make myself go through it.

    • Well I'm glad you were able to connect with it, it was really what I was trying to do so that makes me very happy.

    • It always confuses me how in movies and probably in real life people are just so wanting sex that they'll literally just have sex with anyone they find attractive and then be fine with never seeing them again. Not only that, but they actively seek out those one-night stands. And I'm like, What the hell? I can't imagine being like that. I can't imagine just going out and having sex with someone just because it feels good. Even with my sex-repulsion, I always imagined that if my feelings about sex ever did change (although I doubt it, because I can't imagine finding genitalia anything but disgusting), I would want it to be with someone I loved. It may sound cheesy, but I would want it to be with someone I had been with for a long time and cared for deeply, who had never tried to pressure me into sex and accepted that it might not happen, and always asked and was cautious when taking it further physically, not wanting to make me uncomfortable. I would want that to be the type of

    • relationship, and for it to just happen if my feelings ever changed, and then being a next step of intimacy to bring us closer both physically and emotionally, the act of being totally vulnerable with each other, because we trust each other. And even after I've already consented to us actually having sex, him still being somewhat cautious as we're taking each other's clothes off and touching, incase I would change my mind, maybe even asking if I was sure I actually wanted to go through with it before starting. Okay so maybe that was a bit too detailed, but I'm not going to lie and say I haven't though about it, because I have. It may be totally cheesy how I described it, but if it's cheesy, so be it. That's the kind of relationship I want to have it in if it ever stopped repulsing me, I wouldn't settle for less.

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  • Who else thought this was gonna be a messed up demigod sexuality story?

    • Demigod sexuality story? At no point did I ever bring up the topic of me being a "God", and there's nothing messed up about my personal life experiences just because they don't match up to the norm. Either you're not the brightest bulb in the box or you didn't actually read the take. If you did, it's just another view and comment for me anyway so you're actually helping me.

  • This explains me 100% and I am straight cause I've only ever liked girls, it does however take me some time and I really fall for the girl and she becomes like the only person I want sexually and I fall in love. Had sex with a girl that I thought was pretty but I it felt wrong and I was in love with a different girl. I've known I'm demi sexual for about a year now and it explains why I don't really check other girls like my friends do. Being honest my best friends current girlfriend wanted to be with me when we were younger and I only liked her as a friend so I turned her down and proceeded to not like anyone for most of the year. I think a demi sexual honestly loves one person at a time much more intense then the average person as we fell they are very special and extreme hard to replace on average. I try to understand other people and how they can have open relationships and marriages.

  • I'm confused why there is a specific sexual category for this. You just don't want to have sex with people you don't have an emotional bond with? And don't feel attracted to them until you know them better? I think that was the old "normal" if that ever existed. But if you feel the need to label yourself, don't let me or anyone else for that matter, stand in your way. :)

    • It isn't normal actually. What people don't understand is that there is a difference between WANTING to love someone to have sex and NEEDING to love someone to have sex. We literally feel no sexual inclination and typically don't fall in love easily, even then many demisexuals can struggle with sex. I know you think you're being helpful, but telling somebody that their sexuality doesn't exist, doesn't help. It leaves us feeling isolated. I plan on doing a facts on demisexuality because a lot of people don't understand the gravity of it and think that it's simply a desire to want to be with somebody before having sex. Like I explained in my take, I was WITH SOMEONE, who I really, really cared about and did have a bond with, but when he made an advance on me, I felt NOTHING. It wasn't until our bond grew substaintially that I could feel slightly aroused by him. In my entire life I've only ever been made to feel aroused by another person twice. It isn't a matter of desire.

    • It's a matter of having a complete inability to feel sexual arousal without a profound bond with someone.

  • This sentence explains all: "... there was no open discussion about relationships and sex in my house; the best I got was my mom warning me that men are pigs..."

    And you've always wondered about your sexuality. Shocking!

    • Do you just wake up in the morning and ask yourself: "Rather than being helpful, why don't I be completely harmful to another person behind a computer screen?"

  • What is this stupidity?

    What you described is just being a loyal and loving human who isn't after casual sex.

    • An acute inability to have sexual desire without a bond. It isn't a choice. People are so stupid to not get the difference.

    • It is a choice. Just like choosing not to be a drunk or use drugs is a choice.

    • I can't choose my ability to become sexually aroused @John_Doesnt, believe me, my life would be EASIER if I could.

  • I know you are going into it further on your next one but basically what i can tell is that you dont get anything out of physical attraction? You need some emotional and spiritual attraction in order to be compatible with someone? Is that correct?

    • I can feel physical attraction. Let's say a guy is muscular, right? I can look at that, and say: Wow, he's very attractive. The difference is his appearance does not SEXUALLY arouse me. If a guy with a nice body takes off his shirt, I can see him as attractive, but it does not arouse me intimately or sexually. I can still recognize physical attractiveness. Does this make sense?

    • Also yes, I need emotional and spiritual attractiveness to feel compatible with someone.

    • Yes makes perfect sense cuz i am the same way with women. I never knew there was "label" for it. I am not one to go hit on a stranger or ask for her number unless we have made a connection in talking previously and know each other somewhat. I want to lose my virginity to someone i love and care for rather than any girl i could bring home from a bar. Thats not me.

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  • Who the hell keeps making up these terms? lol.
    People can't be people anymore, they have to fit in some niche term to validate their existence. lol.
    How about being what you are and not caring what others think.

    • Why do you care if someone wants to label themselves, yet tell me not to care what people think? It kind of seems hypocritical to me to tell me that I shouldn't care, yet you seem to care so much that I identify as a different sexuality than the norm. If you don't believe in it, that's fine, but laughing about it and telling me that I'm trying to validate my existence and telling me what to do, doesn't help anyone. It doesn't do anything positive. Just know that. This take isn't for you, it's for people wanting information/needing reassurance.

  • I never understood Demisexual before but you've worded it well and now I understand. I think it's a legitimate sexuality.

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