My boyfriend likes to talk about his penis size. help!

I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend very much. He knows I have a vibrator but I only used it before I had a boyfriend and its broken too. He has been asking me to show it to him but I just feel kind of weird about it. He has even said he wants to use it on me. Durring sex I tell him how great he is but then he will say somehing like "its not really that big" and "i know it doenst compare to a vibrator" "i suppose its the motion in the ocean" and I continue to tell him how good he is. I wish he would just stop talking about his penis like that because I don't know what to say anymore. and no he doesn't have a huge p*rn star penis but I don't think it is nessesary to tell him that because I don't feel that his size is a problem and I am also not gonna lie to his face and tell him that he has a huge p*rn star penis when he and I both know what one of those looks like because we both have seen p*rn before. well, I have some condoms in my drawer and the other day I asked him to get one out and I had totally forgot that I put my vibrator in there,(I hadn't used it in a while!) and he saw a peak of it and I hurried and jumped up and tried to close the drawer. I feel embarrased by it but he says "damn! that thing is huge, how do you even fit that inside of you!? I can't compete with that!" and he had this extremely surprised look on his face, like he really couldn't belive that's what my vibrator looks like. and the last time we had sex I tell him how good he is and he says "you don't have to lie, a vibrator can do it exactly how you like it" i don't know what to say back to him when he says that.
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i feel like most of you commenters are just trying your best to be difficult and honestly have no expierence with relationships. I enjoy my boyfriends penis very much, I have told him this, and I have told you all this. I hate hearing him talk about his penis size and comparing it to vibrators, its just annoying and unpleasant and not even sexy, I just want him to shut up about it so that we can both continue to enjoy sex with each other. Like what does he expect me to do about
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it?, burn the damn thing? he would still be talking about vibrators and penis sizes. Its like he doesn't belives me when I tell him that I love f***ing him and it kind of makes me wonder if he really enjoys f***ing me sinse I'm still f***ing him and he can't seem to apreciate that.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • What may be a simple insecurity now will become wholly unattractive in the future so it's gotta be put to rest.


    1) Don't keep reminding him that the sex is good, You told him once that should be enough. Telling someone that was amazing is fine but don't feel like you have to say to stroke his ego, cause most people can sense when it's not genuine

    2) Let him see the vibrator. Hiding it and keeping it away only deepens his insecurity

    3) Tell him that you are 100% satisfied and he should try to not let his insecurities ruin what you feel like is a great thing

    I'm not saying it's your fault in any way. It sounds like your guy has serious adequacy issues. Just have a conversation with him and say straight up, "Your penis size is great, if it wasn't I wouldn't be around. I understand our body's can lead to insecurity but you need to trust what I say."

    He's got adequacy issues, not sure how people get over them, but it seems like being a little firm about your feelings may help

    good luck!

    • this sounds like it could work. I'm just a little embarresd about the vibrators, I actually have 3 of them but he has only seen a glimpse of one of them and it had to be the biggest one. the larger one and the medium one both broke but the smallest one was my first one and it was also a lot cheaper and that one works but its damaged somehow so I thoght if I spent a little more money on one then it would work better but that wasn't the case. They all worked just as good but do not compar to a human

    • "Your penis size is great, if it wasn't I wouldn't be around. I understand our body's can lead to insecurity but you need to trust what I say."

      Sounds like good advice, but YOU of all people should know otherwise. After all, you created this poll ( link ), which clearly shows a pattern of deception via white lies. So, how do guys know when it's a white and and when it isn't?

  • You have to be serious and a little loud and say, "Stop with the insecurity bullsh*t." Tell him it's good enough for you, and you love it, and to stop being that( a p**** ) way, or else stop having sex.

    It just grinds my gears because there is no reason to be insecure in such a situation. If you said to me, "GP, it's so big!" I'd say, "DAMN, RIGHT!" and keep it moving.

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  • Tell him that no sized vibrator (or toy) can compare to an actual human thing like his. Skin always feels better to touch than whatever your vibrator is made of. Would he want to F with a tight fake p**** or a not so tight real p****? Obviously the real one.

    • yeah that's how I see see it lol

  • How big is the vibrator by the way?

  • Tell him...At least my vibrator doesn't whine like a bitch about its size.

    • haha

  • Well, that depends. What's your preference? Seems like your vibrator is a good size, but your boyfriend is not.

    Me, personally, I don't want to be with a woman who prefers a large penis. I don't care how low on the list it is for her.

    • i guess you have not been reading all the comments, I enjoy my boyfriends penis very much and I have no idea how to let him know this and I just do not like to hear him wine about vibrators and penis size especially durring sex because its just not pleasant and he is putting me in a position where I have no idea what else to say to him to prove to him that I enjoy having sex with him. I wish he would just shut up and enjoy sex with me.

    • No, I've been with women and listened to women. Women say a lot of things. When women say they don't care, what they often mean is they don't care enough to make an issue out of it. When women say they love it, they mean they love it because it's attached to the guy they are with ( Kind of like convincing themselves of something ). Doesn't mean they didn't like the penis of some other better.

    • There will always be guys who care about this. There will always be guys who don't care about this. And there will always be guys who are too stupid to notice.

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  • there's nothing you can say to this insecure little man

  • Little d*** problems.. "Ah! stop, its hurting me" big d*** problems.

  • " Vibrators don't feel as good as the real thing, and until they do your penis will always be better, because it feels real, regardless of how thick it is."

    Try that.

    unless its a lie.

    • but honestly, it depends on what I am in the mood for. Sometimes it is nice to not have to be f***ing for hours getting all sweaty, tired, and messing up my hair. a vibrator would help me get my urges over with very quickly and I won't have to worry about not getting enough sleep when I have to be at work at 7am. When I'm with my boyfriend it can be very very fun trying a bunch of different freaky things, feeling his body which I crave and just bonding with him, things that a vibrator can't do

    • i don't see how my vibrator is any different from when he jerks off

    • "i don't see how my vibrator is any different from when he jerks off" Its completely different. It would be similar if he was masturbating to Asian p*rn and had tons of Asian mags lying everywhere and you weren't Asian. " feeling his body which I crave and just bonding with him, things that a vibrator can't do" You could try telling him that too.

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  • So be honest. Would you prefer his d!ck be as big as your vibrator?

    • no I wouldnt, I am fine with his penis and I have been telling him that

    • Yeah, I know, but if he showed up tonight and his d*** were as big as your vibrator, would that be a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?

    • not really because then I would have to be f***ing a gigantic penis for hours and I would be so tired after one sec of him penetrating me. And he would be disappointed because I would be ready to tap out before he even gets started. He would be to big for comfort. Vibrators do not move in the way that a human penis does. When you insert the vibrator it does not continuesly thrust and penetrate, it does not vigoursly stab you in your guts like a penis can and it does not put you in different posi

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