The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

A question was posted on gag recently asking why women seem to always like guys who are assholes or indifferent to them initially.

Why do women like assholes?

From reading the female responses to this question I've compiled a list of showcasing how women think and what they like. This will help many young men navigate through not what women say but how they act and better equip themselves in the dating world.


1. Women want what they can't have. Ever had a girlfriend or wore a wedding ring and notice the massive rise in female attention? Well this is the effect. Women want what the can't have and by you being a forbidden fruit (think Eve from the bible) they would want to tempt and entice you because you are off limits.

Female admission about their sexuality thanks to a GAG question

So guys who act like asshole or indifferent to girls at the start play on this and are more sexual attractive to women than the guy who is nice, caring, and showing interest to her at the very start. I know doesn't make logical sense.

2. Going back to point 1. Seeing women show more interest in taken men they tend to stir up unnecessary drama and fuck up relationships of other women who finally lock down a man. So members of the female gender all seem to want to try and fuck up each others happiness it seems (men do this too when they want to sleep with girls knowing well that she has a boyfriend). When one girl locks down a man and has a happy relationship you'll find several women trying to entice this man to cheat and cause the relationship to decay.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

3. Women can't seem to differentiate the good guys from the sociopaths assholes who just want to use them for sex. It seems each gender is just clueless on identifying the bad apples. Women are able to identify the girls who are sluts pretty easily while men are able to pick up on which guy is a player. So solution here is maybe we should get consultation of the opposite sex on our choice in partner if we keep finding ourselves picking up bad apples.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

4. Many women are attracted to players/fuckboys because they perceive them as broken men and they want to try and fix them. It plays on their mother's instinct to try and fix a broken child. However, the good guys need no fixing so there is no appeal to be drawn to them.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

5. If a guy acts nice or shows interest right off the bat many women perceive that by him doing this she must have a higher value than him. She may even consult her female friends who would help reinforce this idea that she is too good for him. Since women tend to rarely ever date down she would not consider dating him.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

6. Women like a challenge and drama. You making things straight forward, and smooth in transition for courtship to official relationship phase is boring to them. They want a challenge with hot/cold games and you keeping them on their toes that at any moment you can drop their ass for other women.

Hence, why flirting in front of other girls and showing other women are interested in you is a massive turn on to get women. You'd be surprise how many women respond to their male partner cheating not by leaving him but by giving him the best sex session he's ever had and becoming even more sexually attracted to him.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

7. Some women just are naturally attracted to assholes/badboys.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

8. Some women even though you are a GOOD GUY, they aren't physically attracted to you and you could have the best personality in the world and be compatible with her in everything but physical attraction and she will pick an asshole who she finds is physically attractive over you.

The Female Admission About their Sexuality (Response to a GaG Question)

9. Many women consider nice/good guys to be their back up men (near to last choice) when their looks start or have faded and they want to settle down.

Hence, you'll see many protest by women for men to not end up adopting the asshole/badboy persona. The more men that end up becoming jerks down the line the thinner,weaker women's safety net for a stable life and absolving of their bad choices ends up becoming jeopardized.

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