1. The guy who shows he likes you at the start of getting to know you. Answers your text message in a respectable time, behaves in a friendly manner, chats and tries to get to know about you and even tries to take you out on date. More often than not they either gets friendzoned by woman or flaked on. I'm talking good guys who don't TREAT women like they are SEX OBJECTS.
And before we use the excuse that men are going after girls outside their leagues. No that's not the case most of the time. And this does not apply to all women. Some women are recptive to guys like these and give them a chance.
2. Meanwhile guys who are either assholes or indifferent to girls from the start and tease them of their insecurities, don't respond back to their calls or take hours-days to respond back to their text, and more often than not escalate things quickly to sex the woman end up falling for them and wanting to get into relationship with them. Granted once these guys do get relationship they may either choose to remain assholes or actual start becoming nice and caring to the girl.
They say men's investment in women is time, money and emotion. While a woman's investment in men is sex. This is why when women have sex with men, we see that the chasing shifts over more from men to women. Women start texting you first more, they are interested in you and guys no longer have this uncertainty whether the girl likes him or not. So we have a lot of women chasing after emotional unavailable men. I've actual known a few of them on gag who did this and are now jaded towards men.
Another big thing is sex. Women say they want to be treated as more than sex object but will jump faster in bed with fuckboys who escalate it fast to sex.
Since women investment is sex you find then women are the ones clingy towards fuckboy. While ignoring guys who want them for actual relationships.
Why is the dating scene so messed up?
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