Why are white women attracted to fckboys? Even subconsciously? Are white women just fck and dump material at this point? Or are they actually worthy?

Like are they actually worthy of my attention? Should I even bother dating them at this point?

I mean all the white guys I know just use white women as fck and dump material at this point. Because aside from their bodies in certain cases they usually tend to have lackluster appeal once you get to know them personally.

However most white women still pursue the fckboys for whatever reason. Its like some of them have a tendency to judge their self-worth based on body count. Because in their minds its a form of validation that says something about their desirability.

Hell I’ve met some white women who thought they could somehow form a romantic relationship just by having more sex. Its like... that’s not how it works... 🤦‍♂️

Then other white women somehow get the idea that the guy must be in LOVE with them even when he’s only with her for one single purpose: SEX.

I mean I can sympathize with the small minority of white women that actually want something serious but they still usually end up making all the wrong decisions.

I just find it strange how white guys like me (including my friends) get overlooked all the while the same women who claim to want something serious end up being attracted to the worst guys possible.

I mean when it all comes down to it I’m really not surprised anymore about why black dudes obsess over white women.

Most black women have actual standards and that scares the sh*t out of them.

I’ve always found it ironic how feminists demand respect from men and yet they never give us anything to respect. They’ll flaunt their bodies around and still complain about being sexualized. 🤦‍♂️

I want no part of that and I’m not ashamed of being white because of what we’ve done historically. But for who we’ve become present day. I mean besides the colorist black guys who elevate them, there’s really nobody worse than WHITE WOMEN at this point. I’m just so tired of them dude... 😪

Like somebody please help me... 😬
Why are white women attracted to fckboys? Even subconsciously? Are white women just fck and dump material at this point? Or are they actually worthy?
Post Opinion