So I've talked to this girl in my class and she's pretty cool and I learned today from a friend of mine that she has an Instagram, but she never told me about it. We only know each other a little bit and I have her number and she has mine, but I never texted her before and I have had her number for about 5 months. How can I ask for her instagram without sounding creepy and weird? I Know this sounds ridiculous, but girls usually think I'm weird and she doesn't know that other girls in my school think that I am weird and I don't want to blow it. So can anyone please help? How to ask a girl for her instagram?
Asking someone for their Instagram handle can be a modern way to connect and continue conversations beyond an initial meeting. The key to doing this smoothly is to be respectful, genuine, and situationally aware. Here’s a guide on how to go about it:
Make sure you ask at a moment where the conversation naturally permits it. Abruptly changing topics to ask for her Instagram could come off as awkward or forced.
Maintain a casual tone but be clear in your request. For instance, you could say, “You seem really interesting, do you mind if I follow you on Instagram?”
If you’ve been talking about a mutual interest, such as art, photography, or even a particular social issue, tying that into your request can make it feel more organic. For example, “I’d love to see your art project updates, what’s your Instagram?” Be aware of her body language and cues. If she seems hesitant or uncomfortable, don't push it.
Offer your Instagram in return. This levels the playing field and makes it a mutual exchange. Whether she chooses to share her Instagram or not, be gracious in your response.
By blending tact with genuine interest, you not only make your request more appealing but also leave a lasting impression.
30 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Asking for someone's Instagram handle can be a tricky business. On one hand, you don't want to seem like you're being too forward or presumptuous. On the other hand, you don't want to come across as being too shy or afraid to make a move. So how do you strike the perfect balance?
Here are a few tips on how to ask for someone's Instagram handle in a way that is both professional and clever:1. Make sure you have a good reason for wanting to connect with them on Instagram.
If you're just trying to get their Instagram handle for the sake of trying to connect with them on social media, they're likely to see right through you. But if you have a genuine reason for wanting to connect with them on Instagram - such as you're a big fan of their work or you share similar interests - then they're more likely to be open to the idea.
2. Find a way to work it into conversation.
One of the best ways to ask for someone's Instagram handle is to find a way to work it into conversation. For example, you could say something like, "I'm always looking for new people to follow on Instagram. Do you have an account?"
3. Be direct, but not too direct.
There's nothing wrong with being direct when asking for someone's Instagram handle. In fact, it can often be the best approach. But you don't want to come across as being too pushy or aggressive. A good way to strike the perfect balance is to say something like, "Would you be open to sharing your Instagram handle with me? I promise I won't spam you!"
4. Be creative.
If you're having trouble thinking of a way to ask for someone's Instagram handle, get creative! There are a number of ways to do it, so don't be afraid to think outside the box. For example, you could write a message on a piece of paper and hand it to them, or you could send them an email with the subject line "Instagram Handle Request."
5. Offer something in return.
If you want to increase your chances of getting someone's Instagram handle, offer something in return. For example, you could say something like, "I'll follow you on Instagram if you follow me!" following these tips, you should have no trouble asking for someone's Instagram handle in a way that is both professional and clever.
53 Reply- +1 y
My luck is she will spam me….
- 1 y
@jeremy This is useless advice. I held a basketball tournament this weekend. I hired female college basketball players to work the event. After the game one of the players came up to one of the girls and said "can I get you Instagram" the girl said yes it was that easy. If a girl likes you sheaves access easy plan and simple.
- 1 y
This some terrible advice you making a long paragraph for something that could be a sentence or two 5. Makes no sense 4. You dont need to be creative no offense to him but it don’t sound like he has the best social skills so this probably wouldn’t work for him anyways 3. Actually makes some sense I guess if you not confident 2 is like the only actual good advice all it is would be build on top of a conversation kinda like building a house you not gonna out a house on sand or land without a foundation so you gotta have that first and then start building 1. You don’t really need a reason but its not a bad idea to have one you just need to have a goal in mind which in his case is just get the instagram
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I can suggest some ways to ask a girl for her Instagram without sounding creepy or weird.
1. Be casual and polite: When you see her in class or talk to her over the phone, you can say something like "Hey, I heard you have an Instagram. Can I follow you?"
2. Mention a common interest: If you know that you and the girl have a common interest, you can use that as a way to ask for her Instagram. For example, if you both like photography, you can say "I love your photos. Can I follow you on Instagram to see more?"
3. Use humor: You can use humor to break the ice and ask for her Instagram. For example, you can say "I heard Instagram is the new way of exchanging phone numbers. Can I get yours?"
Remember, it's important to be respectful and courteous when asking for someone's Instagram. If she says no, it's important to respect her decision and move on.20 Reply
- +1 y
You can try asking for her Instagram in a casual and friendly way. You could say something like, "Hey, I heard you have an Instagram! I'd love to follow you and see some of your posts. What's your username?" By expressing interest in seeing her posts, you're showing that you're curious about her and not just randomly asking for her Instagram for the sake of it. If she's hesitant to share her username, respect her decision and don't push the issue. Remember to be respectful, polite, and friendly in your approach. Good luck!
00 Reply
- +1 y
I think you should actually do something with her instead of creeping her Instagram. Ask her to hang out. Maybe go to the mall?
30 Reply
- +1 y
if you have her number why aren't you effing texting her man? what the fudge but anyways just be like "hey you got instagram?"
44 Reply- Asker+1 y
Well I kinda bummed her number off of a group chat that my friends made. Then I told her that my number was in the group chat she said said ok and added me into her phone. And last time I asked for an Instagram account I got labeled as weird.
- +1 y
last time I asked a girl for an IG account she said yes and gave it to me. every person is different, this girl will most likely respond differently. and its only social media, fuck people who think its weird for asking.
lol just ask r u 2? Instagram baba
Gabe sucks lol
It's not weird to ask... this guy I started talking to asked for my instragram almost immediately after we met but I thought it was sweet, granted I don't have an instagram, but I added him on snapchat instead.
40 Reply
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
been there, done that. i usually just share a pic from instagram and that sparks up a hey do you have an instagram also by the way?
30 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
LOL you better have an Instagram account that is banging otherwise why bother. It be equivalent to asking what kind of car she drives then offering to give her a ride in yours... problem is you drive a 1995 red cavalier.
00 Reply - 1 y
Offer her your instagram. If she's interested, she'll give you hers.
40 Reply 1K opinions shared on Flirting topic. “Check out Insta…here’s my info.” Leave it up to her.
00 Reply- 10 mo
You just simply ask her. The anxiety & fear is all in your head. I've asked before & gotten 'em every time. Most women want the attention.
90% Chance: She'll just simply give it to you.
9% Chance: She'll say it's set to private & she only lets certain people view it.
1% Chance: She'll make a disgusted face & ask you "Why?" in a snobby tone. & at that point, f her & her whole family. You don't need that type of negativity in your life. She's got serious f'riggin' problems & you don't want to be anywhere near that lame @$$ female 🐶. Screw her.
11 Reply- 10 mo
... Anyways, gotta love those odds!👆
- 1 y
I know I'm a lot older than you and come from a time where none of this was a thing but some things don't change. You will sound weird because you have her number. Freaking text her and be an adult. Nothing horrific can happen. Worst case she doesn't respond and you just move on.
For example you have to get to know her better and ask her out for coffee or something along those lines. After a few times out you could volunteer offering your Instagram and see if she reciprocates.
Also, wouldn't you rather have a more in life relationship then just looking at her social media accounts from a distance? Since you're in class with her, if you like her, ask her out. Stop being weird (since you said it yourself)
11 Reply- 1 y
I just realized this was a question from a year ago lol. How did it go?
- 1 y
Instagram is my primary social media so I just directly ask them for it and let them know that's where I'm most active personally. If they don't have Instagram or they do but they aren't very active/available there then I ask about other social media.
20 Reply Well, no offence but I also think you’re a little weird. Why do you want her instagram when you have her number and common friends. Talk to her in person and then text her on the number (Whatsapp) and ask her something about the class or homework. Then, talk to her some more and ask her about what she’s into and then maybe she will naturally mention Instagram and you guys will connect there. But, it seems like you just want to oggle at her pictures and not really interested in getting to know her. As for how to ask for instagram, it goes something like this “You on IG? Is it okay if I follow you?” Done.
11 ReplyAnd ur so rite and why IG when he has a girlfriend he’s a cheating POs
If it were me and I didn't specifically tell you I had an Instagram account, I wouldn't appreciate you putting me in the awkward position of having to choose between a pity follow or finding a way to politely say, "no".
I tend to be an open person, so if I failed to mention something to you, it was by design. That's just my two cents.
00 Replyi would start to text her by saying 'hi' or 'hey' then start asking basic questions like 'hru' or something like that. while asking questions about her like 'what class r u in, where r u from' etc. you can ask if she has instagram (which she should say yes) then you can proceed to ask for her username so you can follow her :)
00 Reply- +1 y
yeah it’s weird especially if you already have her number and haven’t texted her for five months lol she’s gonna think you stalk her by getting all her info. Like why even ask? You have her number and haven’t done anything with it. You really think she’s gonna feel comfortable giving you more of her personal info
10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Just say i want to share some important stuff regarding our study but i can only contact you through instagram as i am not using any other app. Can u give me your instagram id or username so that i can contact you to share notes or some important stuff.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Just ask casually. “Hey what’s your Insta? Mine’s…” If she already gave you her number she probably won’t have a problem giving you her Insta too. If she hadn’t already given you her number you might have a tougher time getting her social media. The worst she can say is “Sorry, I don’t give that out.”
00 Reply Oh, so you want to be in the same category as all the desperate dudes who follow her bikini pictures but don't actually know her? Maybe she was hoping to avoid thinking of you like that.
20 ReplyJust casually ask her for a "problem" you are having with your instagram account and when she helps you be like oh thank you, by the way do u have insta? I wouldn't think anything of it if a guy asked me that. It ain't weird so I think u should try it out
00 Reply- 1 y
Once you get a conversation going with her, ask “hey sorry for the quick change in subject, but do you have an Instagram?”
10 Reply - 1 y
be straightforward, go to her and ask for her instagram directly. Be courageous and do whatever it takes. girls like straightforward boyss.
20 Reply How about asking her on a date, like “If you’re up for a date I’d be glad to take you to dinner Friday. If she’s interested in you, you’ll have her instagram in no time.
00 ReplyWomen love it when you have the confidence to just ask for shit. "Hey [insanely cute girl], are you on instagram? Can I give you follow?"
10 Reply- 6 mo
Just ask her. 😊 Most girls get asked about it, it's not weird now.
20 Reply If you are being "weird" ... then sooner or later she is gonna find out... I think you should work on your communication skill and social skill. Then you also won't have such issues like "how do i ask for a girls instagram"
10 ReplyYou can just be like “hey, so you have instagram?” And then go from there
10 Reply- 1 y
lmao, I'll tell you what doesn't work: "hey can you rate my dixk?"
Really though, just talk about something on the platform then pivot/ask if they use it
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I mean personally I see nothing wrong with simply saying the next time you text eachother “hey can I follow you on IG?” it’s straightforward and doesn’t come across as creepy at least to me.
10 Reply Just tell her you'd like to have her pics for your spank bank.
10 Reply- +1 y
Do it to her face. It'll make you seem more confident, even if you're not
10 Reply How about you call her or text her, and ask her to go get some lunch or dinner and nevermind dumb Instagram
00 ReplyIf you've had her number for 5 months then just go ask her for her instgram. I don't think it would be creepy or weird.
00 Reply- +1 y
If you didn't get to know her for at least two weeks, don't even bother asking for her number, LET ALONE her social media. ESPECIALLY her Instagram
01 Reply- +1 y
Oh it's been five months and you never texted her? Dude go right ahead and text her. Even better, add her via the "enabled" contact list on social media
Just ask her if she has an Instagram. If she says yes, ask her for it.
10 Reply- +1 y
Show her something funny on instagram and then at the end ask her if she uses insta too
20 Reply - +1 y
If the girl knows you she will say yes lmao could just pass it off as wanting to build a bigger network with people. She might see that as quite sociable of you.
10 Reply "What's your Insta?" or since you are hesitant, "Here's my Insta."
20 Reply- +1 y
Why do you want her Instagram? Talk to her in person and get close.
00 Reply - 1 y
threat her with a knife to give her phone and run away
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
That is weird. Why don't you just get to know her in person? Instagram isn't real life.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
you don't. you get the bitch's number. you pull her digits
00 Reply 1.5K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Why do you need it?
10 Reply- +1 y
Look up her name? I don't know.
00 Reply - 1 y
Hey, are you on insta?
10 Reply 312 opinions shared on Flirting topic. Make the words come out of your mouth.
10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Aye girl, lemme get that insta tag
00 Reply - 1 y
Ask for her number instead.
00 Reply Show her your post on instagram
00 Reply- 1 y
Just ask out right, you have instagram?
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
May I have your instragram?
03 Reply- Asker+1 y
Sure. It's nojogrant
- Asker+1 y
Wait are you asking for my instagram or are you saying what I should say to her?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I want yours.
Can’t u just search her name
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)10 mo
"Do you have an IG account?"
00 Reply - 1 y
You don’t.
00 Reply Just aşk it directly
10 Replybe normal
00 Reply
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