Hero Opinions
How to get MHO?
Americans, what are your tips for someone coming living in your country?
I need some ideas how should I celebrate 🍾 me post graduation?
Latest Influencer Opinions
For me, being single kinda sucks. Once you get used to someone being in your life romantically, it's hard when all of that suddenly stops. I miss the cuddling, the kissing, the sex and even beyond the physical, I miss the intellectual and emotional connection that you have with someone you're in...
Screenshot, report, tell their wives if they have them. For the most part, it’s all a fantasy to them. Most are lucky to get any woman, let alone a young one. And they know it. They’re pissed off that young women want equally young men who are eager to please.
Tacos anytime given the choice, just no beef please. My stomach can't handle regular taco meat well (too greasy so it hurts).
A hot woman who's homeless (if there is indeed such a thing) must really be messed up (severe mental illness and/or severe substance abuse) , and that would make her undateable.
You’re describing the male equivalent of a woman’s MRS degree (basically going to college exclusively for the purpose of finding someone to marry with good prospects). You got a job in the hopes of attracting a wife, assuming materialism is the core of why women get married. Given past...