One of my exes wrote me a romantic poem when we were in our mid twenties. That’s probably the most romantic thing, that anyone’s ever done for me.
Surprised me with all the things I love.. personalized my cake of my fave anime… beauty beast rose… and a day trip to the beach all in one day for my birthday
20 Reply
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- 9 mo
Absolutely ADORE this question! He asked me to Marry Him. His proposal was one of the most romantic things he has ever done for me🌹✨💍
53 Reply- 9 mo
Congratulations 😊. That’s awesome
- 9 mo
Thank you beautiful! I enjoyed the nostalgia. Thank you for the thoughtful question 🌹
- 9 mo
Yay! Thank you for most helpful girl!
What Girls & Guys Said
- 9 mo
I’ve a big list of very romantic things I’ve been done for, very difficult to pick one. I’ve had relationships full with romance.
11 Reply- 9 mo
@LaFemmeFatale_1. Right on que.
- 9 mo
She bent my legs back and tongued my butthole.
10 Reply He threw a surprise birthday for me
20 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)9 mo
My girlfriend in high school caught me practicing martial arts one time when I thought I was alone. Due to budget constraints, my mom could not afford to reenroll me in martial arts even though it was the only thing that put me at peace. So I did my best to practice and hone what little I had already learned.
A week later I was spending time with her, her mom and her sister. I thought we were just going to hang out like normal, but her mom drove us to a dojo. We all participated in the class since the instructor offered a demo class. Her mom then decided, with my mom's permission, to enroll all of us in the dojo.
I asked my girlfriend about it and she revealed that she had seen me practicing and the smile on my face afterwards. She had then visited my mom and mom revealed that she has only known me to be really happy when practicing martial arts and she missed being able to have me enrolled in it. Also her mom thought it was a good idea for her and her sister to learn self-defense as well.
10 Reply - 9 mo
My one and only crush who I visited in another city in Australia, whilst studying there, allowed me to stay in the Hilton hotel she worked at for three days without any cost. Upon check-out she had covered the entire bill including room service charges and gave me a Christmas card with a very sweet poem. Although at the time I visited her she had found a boyfriend (took me months to visit her after I revelead she was a crush), I still feel this was the most romantic thin anyone done for me. I adore her still to date and we are still mates.
30 Reply 960 opinions shared on Flirting topic. Probably a random cupcake.
As much as women love to think of themselves as endlessly romantic beings, most women rarely if ever do anything actually romantic for a man - it's MEN who are romantic and do romantic things for their women (obviously not ALL men do this - some men are pond scum).
I've done a thousand romantic things at the very least, but have very few examples of a woman I was dating doing anything romantic for me. Out of all the guys I've ever asked about this, only one guy had had a girl do something romantic for him, and that was great, but it was also ONE time.
Ladies, you REALLY need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've ever given a tenth of the romantic things that you've received. It doesn't have to be anything big either - it just has to be something YOU have done for no other reason than you could.
32 Reply- 9 mo
Guess I've been lucky, a few women have done tons of romantic gestures for me. Definitely not one-to-one ratio but there's been some very fun things, such as cooking for me, buying me a book they thought I'd be interested in, taking me to a romantic lake spot to smoke. I had a LDR once and this girl ordered food for me after I was mugged.
Maybe they were way more in love with me than I thought. I've never really experienced that same "in love" feeling reciprocated though. =/ - 9 mo
I am so so sorry that your girlfriend passed away. You were lucky to have someone to help you get through it.
My boyfriend died suddenly September 8 and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I think it makes it hard to move forward when all my feelings are kept all bottled up inside.
One thing that did happen that I hold onto is when I called the county coroner's office and personally spoke to her and she answered questions I had about his death. Before we hung up the phone she said "He is watching over you. So I hold on to her words.20 Reply- 9 mo
When we started knowing eachother, me and my boyfriend, we didn't know how long we are going to be together, the situation was such. So we used to celebrate monthsarry every month. And that time each moments were like we are living the last moment of our lives together. So there have been so many romantic moments together.
But my favorite is him making songs for me. In r
The span of 5 months he has created 6 songs, which was either dedicated to me or expressing his hearts and emotions for me. That i feel most romantic as there were songs which were written for me especially. And it made me feel sooooo special.20 Reply - 9 mo
Depends what u call romantic I guess. I frequently come home to a bubble bath with candles and my favourite rum. A while ago he put rose petals in there too. He's very old school... opens doors for me, pulls chairs out etc. Buys me flowers for no reason or if I'm feeling sad. He leaves me random notes if he's out for the evening and writes me letters occasionally.
Some of my friends think it should be saved for my birthday or valentines so like I said, depends what u think is romantic.
10 Reply - 9 mo
This is probably a sad confession, but sadly I’ve not experienced much romance. This may be more accurately labeled intimate, but a guy I’d been seeing a few months, we got a hotel room together. He made me a bath to enjoy and then shaved my 🐱. We then made use of the hotel bed 🤣 between romps we talked and chilled and watched tv. May seem silly but probably the closest and most intimate I’ve ever been with a man, especially him shaving me
23 Reply- 9 mo
That's very interesting to me, him shaving your 😼 was romantic to you? I'd be scared shitless if i let a woman anywhere near my 🍆 with a razor
- 9 mo
I think that’s sort of romantic.
- 9 mo
Like I said, intimate is probably a better word than romantic, at least in regards to the shaving part lol. But yes I did trust him to shave there, and obviously you wouldn’t let or trust just anyone to do that so I thought it was intimate.
- 9 mo
When I first met my second husband…we lived 9 hrs apart. So we met in another state to celebrate my birthday. He got there first and decorated the hotel room with beautiful flowers 💐 and birthday wishes signs and balloons 🎈 and sweets…and a beautiful dress for the dinner night. I felt like a little princess…I had no idea he prepared all that. Now you know why he is my husband! He is very sweet, thoughtful and just wonderful to me!! I love him 😍
11 Reply- 9 mo
That’s so lovely 😊. Congratulations
My husband baked a cake my first birthday that we spent together. He also played guitar and sang romantic songs for me. Tbh I'm not the easiest person to be romantic to because I get embarrassed easily by such gestures. I prefer if he does some house chores for me instead xd
20 ReplyMy ex made plan behind my back with my mother to come down to see me. I came home one day like any other day. But when I got into my room she was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I cried a bit right there ^^. That was the first time we meet in person.
10 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Nothing really, closest thing I can't think of was one ex wrote a poem for me out of the blue but given that I later learned she never felt any sort of attraction to me and didn't like me and she turned out to be kind of a toxic person it doesn't hold any meaning.
So nothing I guess?
10 Reply433 opinions shared on Flirting topic. My now ex girlfriend sent me a short video of her blowing a kiss to me. That made my heart feel so warm🥰🥰🥰🥰
Things didn't workout with me and her, as she didn't love me in the way I loved her. But she cared for me enough to help me get through the death of my girlfriend before her.
She's a kind soul, and I wish nothing less than the absolute best for her😊31 Reply- 9 mo
sweet! when i first got whatsapp i used it for pictures. i sent one blow kiss video to a partner. she complained! "what IS this".
- 9 mo
as a blue i only did romantic gifts etc. not even one gal did anything romantic to make things romantic, yet? i am nearly 50!
11 Reply- 9 mo
That sucks. I’m forced to agree that men are often more romantic than women.
1.5K opinions shared on Flirting topic. My husband still takes me out on romantic dates even though we have been together for almost 10 years. He always manages to take it to the next level.
30 ReplyI think anonymous flowers sent multiple times , and blank valentines cards ( all annon ) , plus a tiny little g-string that was sent though the postal service..
The great part is still not knowing who.. who sent?
10 Reply323 opinions shared on Flirting topic. @happywoman34
Christmas Day morning 2017, my then boyfriend (now husband) getting down on one knee and asking me to become his wife... Nothing, but nothing will ever top this most incredible, memorable and cherished moment in time.
10 Reply- 9 mo
Probably waiting 4 years to be with me, that's some dedication 😅
35 Reply- 9 mo
Four years? Good grief, what was he waiting for?
- 9 mo
Wait, never mind... age... right?
- 9 mo
@BCRanger10 I know, definitely a while he's actually younger than me so it's not an age thing. He waited 2 years to ask but I was moving at that point so I kind of blew it off, he asked 2 years later and I said yes. Unfortunately we are long distance but you can't have it all I guess.
- 9 mo
That's not romantic, that's being a simp.
- 9 mo
@KrakenAttackin maybe not romantic but it's not like I was his only option, if he wanted to I'm sure he could have got someone else.
- 9 mo
I’m a straight man. Like most straight men, i’ve never had a woman make a romantic gesture for my benefit.
30 Reply I’m single af and young, so the most romantic thing I’ve experienced is my crush buying expensive school water for me when I said I was thirsty, when I could have drank from the water fountain (which is not that bad). The water was the coolest nicest water I’ve ever had. Enjoy this “romantic” experience I’ve had.
10 Reply- 9 mo
She planned a romantic weekend downhill skiing in Quebec. We got an evening horse drawn sleigh ride and sipped champagne. Then we ordered room service and watch old movies all night.
10 Reply - 9 mo
I've had letters written for me, hand-made gifts, and picnics planned. I can honestly say all of my girlfriends have been good decent at romantic gestures.
10 Reply My boyfriend saved the paper that I wrote my number on and apparently had been keeping it in his phone case for an entire year.
20 Replyu
9 moFor my birthday one year, she sent me on a scavenger hunt that lead to us meeting for dinner and then playing board games with my friends.
21 Reply- 9 mo
a good scavenger hunt not like that film Gone Girl 2014!
- 9 mo
I’ve never had anyone do anything romantic for me. Not that I’d expect someone to. I wouldn’t know how to react if someone did anyway.
30 Reply - 9 mo
My boyfriend just recently got me a promise ring with our birthstones and names on them for our one year anniversary.
10 Reply Made a painting about a book I was writing, they illustrated a scene from it and it looked great exactly how I imagined it when I described it. The time, effort and willingness to read what I wrote was what made it so meaningful to me
10 ReplyMy ex and I were both artists and he drew my portrait 2 x. I have them both, one day plan on framing them.
10 Reply1K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Once day I came home from work to find my wife has dressed for me. She does so many things for me but that was a special feeling.
10 Reply- 9 mo
there was once a girl I met via social media, her parents were very strict and didn't like that, so she made a fake account only to text with me. I was surprised, since no one ever did such a thing for me
10 Reply - 9 mo
None! Always i was the One that Done all them Romantic things...🤷♂️
10 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Flirting topic. She was very private, like me, but posted to the world about me. I knew what that cost her.
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)9 mo
Lesbian ex after my ex fiancee dumped me for a guy she was cheating with let me f*ck her and her girlfriend out of pity after seeing how broke up I was about it.
20 Reply 362 opinions shared on Flirting topic. All things I consider romantic were sexual surprises
10 ReplyA female CO worker said she's attracted to me verbally 🤣🤣🤣🤣
10 Reply- 9 mo
Someone’s picked me up from work and surprised me with a new kayak… they ended up asking for it back when I broke up with them though lmao
10 Reply - 9 mo
My now ex wife when she really adored me used to leave me notes in my work clothes to find later on
10 Reply - 9 mo
My neighbor who told my sister don't tell, but I want your brother to kiss me on valentines day and she made me a mushy card. I already new about the kiss sowe neck
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)9 mo
Can't think of which would be the most as had too many.
10 Reply - 9 mo
She wrote short poem for me on my birthday n i was surprised
10 Reply - 9 mo
Girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday.
44 Reply- 9 mo
@VV3ZZY123 I’m really sorry
- 9 mo
That this happened to him
- 9 mo
Life is a bitch.
- Anonymous(25-29)9 mo
Nothing was done for me, but I ran 10 km in the middle of the city just to see her when I was 17.
20 Reply 3.1K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Nothing like that has ever happened.
10 Reply- 9 mo
Nothing not ever received anything
20 Reply She wrote me a letter.
20 Reply3K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Got me Timberland boots for Christmas
21 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)9 mo
dunno, don't care
10 Reply I've received nothing
20 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)9 mo
Same. I love poetry.
10 Reply - 9 mo
An orgasm.
20 Reply - 9 mo
She threw a hammer at me.
10 Reply - 9 mo
Marry me a long time ago.
10 Reply - 9 mo
Letting me go ass to mouth on her.
10 Reply - 9 mo
She wrote me poems and made me dinner
20 Reply Took me on a week’s cruise.
10 ReplyNothing yet
20 Replyhe was 6'5
20 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Sent nudes
10 Reply
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