Questions: Flirting

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What do these emojis mean 🤫 🧏?

I'm dming a guy and he is flirting with emojis. What do these mean and how should I respond in a cute, silly, and flirty way? he first sent me a😮. Then I sent a😉.
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What do you get a guy for his birthday?

im trying to find a present for the guy im flirting with but I don't know what to get him to say like "hi i like u" im writing him a card obviously, but also I don't really know what to say on the card and i wanna crochet...
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Friendly or more meaning?

So if you just start at a job and your walking in the door and another girl who also is new starts up a conversation with you is that being friendly or more. I ask because it was more personal in nature when we did...
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I think my boss with a boyfriend might like me or I could be completely wrong?

i think my boss might like me but everytime i think that with a girl i'm misinterpreting the signs so i'm here to ask if there's anything. here are the "signs" i thought might signal interest: -she once came up to me and...
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Guys and girls, what do you do if you have a crush on someone who has a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Do you let them know or just keep it locked up inside and then eventually get over it?
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Was he flirting?

So my friends and I went to the beach and got ice cream. When the guy who was working the ice cream stand was handing me my ice cream, I complimented his necklace and he complimented my sweatshirt. I told him it was a...
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Guys is he pulling away? did the interest fade out?

So... met this dude online, been 5 months & we finally clicked last week... I don't know what happened to me, but I became flirty to the point that he would say "making me blush here" ... and then flirt back & sometimes...
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Is he being flirty?

So there's a guy I work with who is married and he comes on regular nights out in work. Ever since I met him at one social night he was very nice with me and even came up and hugged me halfway through the night. I have...
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Do you use your natural appeal to get things you want?

Sometimes I'll notice that someone is doing something nice for me because of the way I look. I don't have to ask or anything, there's just a nice gesture and I express my thanks and that's basically the end of it....
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3 d

This girl flirts with me but then gets dry should I keep it up or give her space?

This girl and I have been flirting back and forth for a few days and even called a few times but she’ll get super dry about halfway through a day but then pick it back up around the same time the next day, I don’t pick up...
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Guys, Why would a man (who has a girlfriend), flirt with another woman?

Some examples include: smiling at you, turning their posture to give you their undivided attention, blushing, giving you prolonged eye contact, and calling you a pet name?
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What’s the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for you?

One of my exes wrote me a romantic poem when we were in our mid twenties. That’s probably the most romantic thing, that anyone’s ever done for me.
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4 d

Why did my crush's friend message me?

So I kind of like this guy at my college. We've only just met a few weeks ago. He flirts with me sometimes and he told mutual friends he thinks I'm cute but nothing has actually happened between us. But someone who claims...
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5 d

Am I obsessed with him?

So there's this guy I've liked for a while and well... he said he liked me but he wasn't ready for a relationship but he said he does like me. I've caught him looking at me from time and time. It went on for a good two...
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What does come visit more with a smile mean?

I told my crush he looked good last night, he owns a bar. He said don't be a stranger and come visit more with a smile emoji he also said it was good seeing me. Is he just being a nice friend?
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