Why would a guy who's been interested in me for several months suddenly tell me out of the blue that he's married?


I never asked him about his personal life it's actually him who's always asking me personal questions like where I've studied, where I live, who's in my family, my likes, dislikes etc.

He was the one who initiated everything with me but I wasn't responsive to his advances like the touching, flirting, spending extra time with me, changing his schedule just to see me etc.

2 weeks ago, one of his old friends at the office asked him how the marriage was going, I was standing a little far behind him when this happened and saw his face in utter shock and he was totally tensed and kept looking back at me apparently to check if I had heard his friend.

I couldn't make out the whole conversation but from what little I heard he said that "you should only marry the right girl and it's been 3 years let's what happens".

Yesterday, while we were talking about work related stuff, he mentioned that he has a wife, I didn't react to it nor did I say anything. I don't think it's any of my business to do so but I do feel bad about why he kept doing all that he did for so many months.

It's just that I don't know what to say or how to react since we're in a professional setting. I can't yell or shout or have an outburst.

After telling me about the wife, he continued to stay back after work to hang out with me. I didn't speak to him during this whole time as he was just quietly hanging about.

25 d
So apparently he's not happy with the marriage, it was an arranged one. He told his friend that you should only marry the right girl and he didn't marry the right one. Also that it's been 3 years so let's see what happens to his marriage. From what I got to know is that he told the same thing to another of his friend, that he's unhappy.
25 d
I'm just adding the details not justifying his actions in any way.
Why would a guy who's been interested in me for several months suddenly tell me out of the blue that he's married?
15 Opinion