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Relationship: Married
Works in: Healthcare
From: United States
Superb Opinion
1. Start the exercise regime first. Rotate what you do and with which body area. Day 1, work legs and hips. Day 2, work torso. Day...
Influencer myTakes
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- Shared opinion:If I go see a shrink, does that make me weak?
No. It shows that you are taking steps to stay strong in the face of your adversity. I wish you... 11 d
- Shared opinion:Do you have a morning routine?
Waking up. Depending on the day of the week and the day's schedule, I may do a quick shower and... 11 d
- Shared opinion:Are you scared of needles?
I tolerate them when I absolutely must. What I dislike are health care providers who are... 11 d
- Commented on an opinion:What kind of soap do you use in the shower?
I am a Masseur, since I am a male massage practitioner. A masseuse would be a female massage... 11 d
- Commented on an opinion:What kind of soap do you use in the shower?
Eucalyptus and spearmint- or any "mint" for that matter- typically work well together, and can... 11 d
- Commented on an opinion:What kind of soap do you use in the shower?
I've tried many BBW products, but only because my wife buys them. I think they are overpriced... 11 d
- Shared opinion:What kind of soap do you use in the shower?
generic 3 in 1 from Dollar Tree. 12 d
- Shared opinion:Have you ever broken a bone in more than 2 places?
( Pic reminds me of Trader Joe's antique pix ). No. 19 d
- Commented on an opinion:Do you get the winter blues? How do you keep the winter blues away?
Thanks for the MHO. 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Do you get the winter blues? How do you keep the winter blues away?
Living beings inherently get "winter blues". Some (bears for one), just hibernate. Human beings... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Are you able to eat properly when under stress?
Depends on the kind of stress. Sometimes I just do not WANT to eat. Sometimes I'll seek comfort... 1 mo
- Commented on an opinion:Is it stupid to join a gym in January with a new years resolution to lose weight seeing as how majority of people quit soon after?
@nastyb Create the deficit first. Adjust the diet second. Argue with biology. If you reduce... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Are you haunted by Christmas Past?
We got our quarterly garbage hauling bill, and our 4-month sewer bill- gift bills won't be here... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Now that the holidays over, is anybody north of the equator ready for summer?
I was ready in November. 1 mo
- Shared opinion:How long does it take to pay off your credit cards after Christmas?
One month. We pay in full every month. or pay cash using the Bohemian easy-payment plan - 100%... 1 mo
- Commented on an opinion:Is it stupid to join a gym in January with a new years resolution to lose weight seeing as how majority of people quit soon after?
@nastyb Most people should not be "massively exerting" themselves at the gym. If someone IS,... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Is it stupid to join a gym in January with a new years resolution to lose weight seeing as how majority of people quit soon after?
It's not "stupid" if you are going to be committed enough to keep going there on a regular... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:How can people sleep for over 8 hours?
Due to rotating shifts in a job a few decades ago, my diurnal sleep patterns have been shot all... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:Happy New Year! What are some big things you've got planned for 2025?
Additional oral surgery that was already screwed up in 2024 , which was due to prior oral... 1 mo
- Shared opinion:How is your New Year's Eve going?
New Year's Eve was OK. Ate supper, watched a movie, hit the hay. 1 mo
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