My Husband's Best Friend Told Me That He's In Love With Me. What Should I Do?

My Husbands Best Friend Told Me That Hes In Love With Me. What Should I Do?

To start off, I'm really uncomfortable talking about this but I need some real opinions or guidance please. And my family here on GAG never lets me down. Soo... My husband seems to be blind to his friends' intentions. I've tried to tell him softly to not anger him or receive backlash but he is not hearing me. His friends are literally courting me in front of him and he just doesn't see it. They have made comments about "getting into our bed", "cooking for me", and "asking me out to new places". They tell my husband how beautiful they think I am and my husband comes back and tells me as if I'm supposed to be flattered.(I'm not a piece of meat so it's not flattering)

Am I going crazy!!! Am I missing something?

Like, they hoover around me like lions stalking their prey and I hate it. They try to control me and make decisions for me even though I don't belong to them.

We're on a friends vacation this week and I made up an excuse that I was sick so I wouldn't have to be around all the alpha energy BUT they're insisting I accompany them to each event.

What Should I Do? Honest Opinions Please 🥺🌹

Go Hang Out With The Guys Because It Wouldn't Be Ladylike To Deny Their Request
Huge Red Flag!!! Stay Away From The All Male Group
Try Speaking With Your Husband Again, But More Adamantly
Something Else... Let Me Explain
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10 d
So today, he is back on the "you're just paranoid" and "my friends just think you're pretty, they think you're cool, and that it's harmless." He's going to hang out with them now. His lack of discernment puts himself in danger and he won't let me protect him.

*Sighs*. Thank you all for your help! I don't think anything I say will make a difference. Third time was not the charm. *crawls back into corner*
My Husband's Best Friend Told Me That He's In Love With Me. What Should I Do?
46 Opinion