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59 min

Why am I keep getting rejected as a pretty woman?

People always tell me im pretty. When i went out on dates, the guys always tell me im gorgeous and im literally their ideal type. They also said it’s fun to hangout with me. Im also polite and nice. Somehow ended up...
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1 h

I am ugly so should I date obese women or live a life of solitude but with friends and family… which is the better choice?

I believe that latter is the better option as I don’t want to date someone I am not attracted to and I don’t want to date someone who isn’t attracted to me. I’m only young so maybe I’m wrong hence the question :)
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Is it possible to upgrade a budget gaming pc to a high end gaming pc?

I'm leaning on buying a pre built pc with an rtx 4060 and was wondering if it's possible to upgrade it to a 4k gaming pc later on
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Have you ever felt scared for yourself and of yourself together?

Yesterday something happened that left me feeling this way. I was at my sister's house and her mother in law was crying because of her health issues, she was in pain. Everyone was consoling her but I felt nothing, not...
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2 h

Have you ever been scammed on this website by anyone?

Some people can be so cunning when they direct message (DM) you. They butter you up, say things to get you to trust them so you go along with it. Then after they've got some private information from you, they stop...
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2 h

What does it mean when a man calls you “Little girl”?

I was talking about being into arts ever since I was young and he said “What an artistic little girl ❤️” Being an older sister to a brother, who has quite well got used to in the role of being a “Big sister”, kind of felt...
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Why do women hate me?

I'm a white 27 year old 6'6 kissless touchless virgin and i want a girlfriend but women in my town but women hate me. they avoid me ignore me give me weird looks and act like im invisible. i hate this because i see tons...
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Have you ever had something that made you feel like a dangerous woman?

Personally, I have never had a person that had something about them making me feel like a dangerous woman.
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Why do you wear revealing clothes?

I never understand why women wear revealing clothes. At first they are not comfortable wearing it. If you look at their revealing body parts it's problem for them. If you have problem wear full clothes.
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What is your favourite Disney movie?

What is your favourite? Do you like the older ones better or the newer ones? My favourite are the Hercules movie ( cartoon ) and the mulan movie ( cartoon ) I did not like the live action one as much where mushu!
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Do guys overthink stuff like girls do?

Do you keep thinking about something someone said or did and analyze it and try to interpret it? Or do you think take things as it is? For example, if you like a girl and she looks at you, do you keep trying to understand...
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What do you think about husbands who abuse their wives?

What do you think about husbands who abuse their wives?
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My boyfriend 24M of 1.5 years prefers dancers' body type. How do I cope with this?

I'm 23F and I'm overweight , my boyfriend 24M is similar to me in that he's also overweight. We're both on a weightloss journey. We've been in a relationship for 1.5 years and it's been happy for the most part. Last day...
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Why do people think there are more male sexual offenders?

I am NOT saying that all women or men are bad. People are what they choose to be. There are also brazen women and men who are much more calculated. I think more women then men engage in what many people would describe as...
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How old were you when you had your first crush?

I was eight years old when I had my first "puppy love" and 14 for the first "real" one.
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6 h
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What are your favourite pasta shapes and why?

Of course each shape suits different recipes and sauces.
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Is it odd that a man I hardly know went out of his way to visit Colorado solely to see me, without clearly stating his intentions?

He resides in the countryside and works on a farm. I, on the other hand, have a completely different lifestyle... We first connected on Snapchat due to my mistaken friend request settings, which automatically accepted all...
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Why will a guy reply "ok" to my instagram story?

I just posted a video of an animal because i was in the zoo and he replied "ok" to my story. What does that even mean?
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The future generations would be confused about why we didn't interact with photos or videos?

I believe the next thing that would happen is that we would be able to be physically in media or pictures, like with VR or something, instead of it being the typical 2D watchable. Like if you watch something like a movie,...
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How do I navigate this situation?

My boyfriend’s family are living in poverty and I have lots of good quality, hardly worn clothes to spare. I’ve discussed it with my boyfriend and he is ok with me donating some clothes and other nice things I don’t want...
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Christian’s on here is there anything you feel ashamed of?

If you’re feeling ashamed of stuff you repented of a long time ago. This is one thing. I know it’s not popular to preach feelings like shame, guilt, remorse, etc are good feelings. Negative feelings yes. But if you feel...
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7 h

In which sports women out perform men?

I heard and read that women shoot better than men, and that they are better in endurance sports. What else?
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Do women believe they can say anything to men with no consequences?

Many women seem to believe this and it is actually very dangerous. "Fighting words" are insulting or provocative words, especially (but not always) of an ethnic, racial, or sexist nature, considered unacceptable or...
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8 h

Shorter guys, can you be able to have sex with a taller woman and lift her up with your strength?

Guys, for those who are shorter around 5 ft or so like 5’5, 5’8, or 5’10… could you have sex with a tall woman like this: And lift her in a position or way like this if you are very strong or confident enough in your...
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Regarding A Guy Who Ghosted Me?

Just got confirmation that the guy that ghosted me did so because he was using me to try to take my virginity. Why do boys do this? Like wtf
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8 h

How can I fix this. I fucked up and I feel like I'm being gas lit?

So I found out that this girl I was interested in was married and I confronted her about it and she told me it wasn't true that she was single. I was approached again a while later with the same information but this time...
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8 h

If this muscular woman came up to you and thought you are attractive and a nice guy, she gives you her number… would you date her?

Her name is Brittney O'Veal . Say she is very sweet, feminine, and kind really wanting a good man and settles for a committed faithful relationship. She thought you were cute after an hour conversation and getting to...
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Who else HATES When people down-vote their comments on reddit?

It makes my blood boil. I call it karma theft. Stealing my comment karma...
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My boyfriend followed an OF girl and then lied about it. Am I overreacting?

I have been with my boyfriend for a month and since we have been talking he hasn't followed explicit accounts. So it’s weird that one month into us dating I see that he recently followed this OF girl. We have talked about...
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Boyfriend’s dog died my fault how to help be there?

My dog ran down street so I packed my daughters up in car to chase her down, and my boyfriend’s dog got out without me knowing. She’s a yorkie so don’t know if she snuck past me she usually never did that. When I came...
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Girls, What is a good long lasting moist lipstick that I will not have to reapply every hour or so?

Is it possible to find a lipstick that would be moist and long lasting. I usually have to get a moist one or matte. Is it possible that I could get one that does both. If so, which brand, etc. Thanks.
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9 h

While kissing someone, where do you put your hands?

Or where do your hands tend to wander to while kissing? 😏
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Girls, Do you think that I could put gold hoop earrings with this dress?
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You think nonblooded family can be more important than blood?

I keep hearing “but she’s my mother.” “She’s my sister.” Yeah but they haven’t seen you in two years.
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How do u make ur boyfriend understand he is making a wrong financial decision?

My boyfriend has no parents and he has no inheritance. He works for his own survival and will be the one who needs to generate wealth for his future... right now he has few amount saved , he wants to put that as a down...
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Do you feel happy when you express love?

I sometimes hold off expressing love that I feel and that feels bad, because I feel a lot of it, Today I told my paternal grandma that I love her and I felt like the weight came off my shoulders, she was emotionally...
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10 h
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