My boyfriend 24M of 1.5 years prefers dancers' body type. How do I cope with this?

I'm 23F and I'm overweight , my boyfriend 24M is similar to me in that he's also overweight. We're both on a weightloss journey. We've been in a relationship for 1.5 years and it's been happy for the most part. Last day we were talking and he said it was one of his fantasies to marry a dancer as they have an amazing figure. I told him I could learn dance and he replies said, "You have to learn dance from childhood to have a toned dancer's body. You won't have that even if you learn dance now ". I'm emotionally wrecked and those words have been replaying in my mind for the past few days. What do I do?

My boyfriend 24M of 1.5 years prefers dancers' body type. How do I cope with this?
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