Male Sexuality Part I: Disassociation Theory & the Lure of Transactional Sex

I think this is going to be the beginning of a series I will do on sexuality. It's an interesting subject to me, and I now feel I am accumulating enough information and content to write a series about it. I'm going to try and break it down into more manageable chunks, subject by subject. First up, some particular aspects of male sexuality. A favourite topic of mine. Or shall I call it a 'passion project.' 🌹 Ha.

First, some pretty pictures...

Daniel Garofali, Naughty... (this guy looks like my ex. Hi Jason.)
Daniel Garofali, Naughty... (this guy looks like my ex. Hi Jason.)
Justice Joslin... and nice. (Hes a football player, apparently.)
Justice Joslin... and nice. (He's a football player, apparently.)

A common, hypothetical lament:

'It starts out great, all hot, but after a while, I lose all interest. I can’t even get it up for her. Why am I interested in solo sex, or sex with anonymous others, but not with my partner?'

(Fyi, this article is not about the man who feels rejected - as the above man has a willing partner who's wondering where he is and why he's not interested in sex with her. For brevity sake, I can't cover all scenarios, so I'm focusing on the man's missing desire here, not hers.)

Okay, take a deep breath here. I'm going to walk you through it.

Yes, men and women have differences (duh), but when it comes to desire, they are more similar than they are different. This article will focus on two aspects of male sexuality. Why? Well for one thing, much of male sexuality has been misrepresented for decades because university studies are almost wholly conducted on male adolescents and young adults which has significantly skewed the results, bringing us to all sorts of erroneous conclusions. And what we are now finding is that male sexuality is, in fact, considerably more nuanced and complex than it has previously been given credit for.

Sure, men are efficient compartmentalizers. Not so, women. Most women. (As my longtime gay male friend recently said to me, "You're the kind of woman who right after sleeping with a guy, says, "So, when am I going to see you again?" hahaha. He's right. I've always been that way.) Relationship or not, men are more likely to soothe and quell their sexual desires by turning to less emotionally complicated forms of sex - those being the solitary and often paid-for pleasures. While macho culture is shrinking, rarely does a day go by where we don't hear the stereotypical refrain 'all men want is sex.' Oh no, not on my watch, you don't!

If we take the unanalyzed behaviour at face value and label them with the old pejorative tags - men as dogs, cheaters, sex addicts, or desperate, lonely and love-starved, we not only unfairly end up piling all men into one unwarranted dogpile, we reinforce this distorted and archaic view of masculinity, while driving their true motivations and longings even deeper underground. And you know what happens with unmet, unresolved desires and needs. They get mighty cranky. And they rear their heads in unexpected, and often unproductive ways. 'That rug over there looks mighty lumpy.'

A Crisis of Identity: The Reductionist View of Male Sexuality

Many have bought into the oversold definition of male sexuality as being biologically driven, uncomplicated, ever ready, and always in search of novelty. The late psychoanalyst Ethel Person captures it perfectly: “This macho view depicts a large, powerful, untiring phallus attached to a very cool male, long on self-control, experienced, competent, and knowledgeable enough to make women crazy with desire.”

Perhaps it should not be surprising at all that in a world where men are receiving such conflicting messages about who they are and who they should be, so many of them prefer porn, paid sex, and anonymous hookups over intimacy. It’s also likely no accident that an increase in emotionally disengaged acts of infidelity has occurred in tandem with the rise of the emotionally engaged man. Sitting in a strip club, hiring a hooker, swiping right, or watching porn, guys take a break from the tightrope that is modern masculinity.

For many men, masculinity is equated with sexual performance, and this carries a whole set of expectations about love, men, and women that can be seemingly impossible to live up to. Meanwhile, his partner may have her own expectations. She wants him to be emotionally vulnerable, tender, communicative, and open about his feelings. This leaves him with a
host of competing ideologies about what it means to be a man.

New definitions of masculinity are fast emerging, and modern men are encouraged to embrace a whole new suite of emotional skills that were not traditionally part of their repertoire. At the same time, the old definitions die hard. Too many men are ensnared in outdated and self-defeating ideals of male sexual prowess, which sire shame and humiliation. Advice columnist
Irma Kurtz sums up this predicament: “Men are finding it ever more difficult to squeeze themselves and their erections into the shrinking manoeuvring space between being a wimp or being a rapist.” Oh, come now, Irma. That's too reductionist. Now you're just causing trouble, stirring up a hornet's nest. There are tons of men who fit comfortably in the middle of the bell curve, and they're doing just fine.

What we should be doing is praising progress and the more fluid, non-rigid gender roles, and appreciate the fact that all of us, both men and women, have so many more options now than ever before. And remember, women having more options, practically, romantically, and economically, means that they are choosing you not for the almost purely pragmatic reasons as were the norm in the past, but for something less about necessity and more genuine - simply put, love.

Some men may be going through a crisis of identity, but no one ever said change and growth was easy. I know plenty of men who are well-adjusted, competent, funny, progressive, intelligent, and... happy. They see no issue, no 'gender war', no unresolvable conflict, or dark looming sickle-wielding figure in our future. So I know these are isolated disturbances, not a mass societal failing. We can get through this, people.

Disassociation Theory

Is the theory that the level of dissasociation men bring to their sexual 'fixes' is a direct response to the often uncomfortable emotional pulls they feel in their key relationships.

In contrast to traditional, monogomous, committed and loving relationships, many will seek separate sexual experiences that are the exact opposite, the antithesis, where they do not have to confront the litany of anxieties, insecurities, and fears that can result in performance issues (note: in the Western world, the #1 sexual performance issue is cuming too fast, not impotency, etc.) Therefore, the degree of freedom and control one seeks in one's solo encounters is often proportional to the depth of their relational entanglements. Or said another way, the greater the emotional intimacy, the greater the sexual reticence. Or another... one's desire becomes alienated from a sense of love. Disavowed emotions stifle sexual desire. Or they make them turn elsewhere, to other sources, away from their most cherished relationship. Outside of that, desire can manifest freely without the fear of hurting a loved one.

Some may relate this to Freud's 'madonna-whore complex', but it should also be noted that it is not only about how the woman is perceived or the sexualizing of her, but also how the man identifies himself, and is able to sexualize himself. In essence, the good, nice guy is the one who loves, is sensitive, has healthy attachment to his partner, and is a responsible, dependable, moral man. The guy who is strong, powerful, in touch with his subversive side, and a sexually selfish, irresponsible womanizer, is the one who f***s... and enjoys it without guilt. This is the plight of the modern man. The solution is bridging the internal gap between the two, and becoming whole. It is then that he is able to express both sides, all aspects, and satisfy both his own carnal and deepest desires, and those of his partner.

Transactional Sex

Why do men often prefer hookups, hookers, strippers, sexting with strangers, online sex workers, erotic gaming, and porn? Why would a man rather go jack off to porn, or get himself a rub and tug at the massage parlour, than be with the wife/girlfriend/SO he loves, and once couldn’t keep his hands off of? What is the appeal? What does it say about him that he would pay for sex or seek it in what is often perceived to be a degraded, inferior form?

Well, the one word answer is 'it's simpler.' The obvious explanations are boredom and that he’s after new or different particular physical attributes - the whole 'fill in what's been missing in his life' idea. But this is not always the case. In fact, it's a common myth. The true draw of 'the other' is not her looks, but her attitude. She is sexually assertive (demanding, even), far from fragile, and above all else, she desires him (at least, it appears that way, with his cash in hand.)

Paid-for sex is the promise that, at least for the [sixty minutes] on the clock, she’ll take away the typical emotionally-heavy complexities that he is so often faced with. ('You don’t pay the hooker to come - you pay her to leave.') And the girl on the screen is irresistible because he never has to seduce her, and she never rejects him. Neither does she make him feel inadequate, and her moans assure him that she is fully satisfied, and he is the one accomplishing that.

Porn entices with a momentary promise to shield men from their basic sexual vulnerabilities. Much can be said about the differences between prostitutes, strip clubs, full body massages, and porn, but they do all yield common emotional dividends. They put men at the centre of the woman’s attention, relieved of any pressure to perform, and in a position where they can fully receive. (An interesting concept, and inconsistency, considering the current fixation on the male: female dom:sub roles, don't you think?)

Compared to the emotionally-charged differing desires and conflicts involved in committed relationships, the relatively simple equation of some cash for a fixed amount of time and a guaranteed pay-off, the latter can start to seem like the sometimes more appealing option. When he prefers to 'pay to play' or opts for a solo session, he buys simplicity and a seemingly uncomplicated identity. He purchases the right to be selfish -a brief hour of psychological freedom.

Even so, can we really call it “just sex” when the entire enterprise is set up to avoid certain emotional pitfalls and fulfill a host of unspoken emotional needs? When a man feels lonely or unloved, when he’s depressed, stressed, or disabled, when he’s caged by intimacy or unable to
connect, is it sex he buys, or is it kindness, warmth, friendship, escape, control, and validation all delivered in a sexual transaction?

Sexuality is the sanctioned language through which men can access a range of less socially acceptable, even forbidden, emotions. Tenderness, softness, vulnerability have not traditionally been encouraged for men (though there is a large, growing body of women for whom these traits are ideal and appreciated.) Until quite recently, the body is 'the' place where they have sought to satisfy these needs, disguised in a sexualized language. When we say about men that all they want is sex, well, maybe we shouldn’t. Sex is really just the entrancehall, the doorway, to a deeper portal.

Post scriptum (yes, that is being ironic): If you think it's too long, don't read it. It's your choice. If you're thinking about adding nothing to the discussion and simply saying, "too long, didn't read it' or 'too long, what did you say?" , just don't. It will be deleted. I believe in lifelong learning. Reading is a necessary part of learning and engaging with the world, and this is not Twitter. The internet is divided into people who read, and people who want to be told in the shortest number of words. I didn't write this question, a year ago shortly after joining, for no reason: The 'dumbening' of society... are you worried? Dunning-Krüger Effect:
A phenomenon observed in the 1930s by English philosopher Bertrand Russell whereby the worst performers tend to overestimate their performance, and top performers tend to underestimate. Or said another way, fools and fanatics are often so certain of themselves, while the wiser are full of doubts. Those are my people.

Some excerpts and concepts by the esteemed Esther Perel.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • First let me tell you, I'm always knocked off my feet when I read things that you have written. Half the time that I read your writing, I have a difficult time absorbing the content because I'm so in awe of the eloquent voice and organization of it all. I always struggle with bringing my thoughts come together and finding a starting point. And voila! You bring in the Pretty Pictures. Damn girl, you're good. [Side note: I need longer processing time between Amanda mytakes.]

    And so. Something about my brain can never read something and NOT think of the "me parallel" even when it's in regards to a different gender. Afterall, we are all human. And this is not to belittle what you have written about the male experience.

    My struggle to find balance with differing emotionally-charged desires, thoughts, goals, etc has put me off of seeking a relationship at all for the fear of one or the other becoming bored or exhausted from trying to meet the other at their level. I understand that this is immense pressure on a man, that he's constantly being asked to fulfill so many aspects of a relationship.

    I think for that reason, I find it much easier to be alone than to attempt any partnership with another person. And being that I relate emotional connection and trust to sexual intimacy, I can't try to freely engage in sexual behavior with things I'm not connected to.

    Sometimes I wish we could all turn our brains off and just BE. And that's probably where the disassociation bit comes from.

    • Kingdom, I looked for a picture of a blonde female bowing, as for some reason it was the image that came to mind I wanted to express to you. But as most that came up were Asian, I gave up on that idea. Don't want to take this into that realm. Of course, it is absolutely fine and understandable to draw your own parallels. I find it somewhat tricky to strike the right balance in these mytakes, etc. of being neither too specific (which can send the conversation too far off in one, more limited direction), and too abstract. So, if you, a female, find ways you also relate, it is as you say, because we are all human. More alike than not (if we share 99.8% DNA with chimpanzees, surely we can acknowledge our human similarities, right.)

Most Helpful Guy

  • *Claps in masculinity*
    This is a "very informative post" like someone took the time to say. Very well written and thought out. I'm glad you took your time to write it.
    But compliments aside, I'm surprised by how well this fits with so many other "partial" explanations that have been made to explain the issues in modern masculinity. It feels like breaking all those notions, throwing away the bad pieces (myths, stereotypes and plain bad reaserch), collecting the good ones to form a whole coherent conclusion and fixing it together with some brilliant and refreshing writing... Except adding some pieces of your own, but I couldn't "fit" that into the metaphor, despite having the time to fit this bad pun :/
    Anyhow, thanks again for writing it! I'm definetly subscribing for the next part and finally gaining one more persone to follow for interesting contents

    • Aw, that's so nice. Thank you so much, Vencam. This was really, really nice to read. And I like your mix of intelligence with humour. Great combination to have 👌

    • Ahahah, thanks for your kind words. As some wise man said "You have to be able to make people laugh. ESPECIALLY women, if you're into them. But not on the bed, that's usually not a good sign." I try and fail often, I'm glad I could land the puns decently this time as I really wanted to show my appreciation for this take. Deserves every last bit of the praise I wrote and I mean it.

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  • "Well for one thing, much of male sexuality has been misrepresented for decades because university studies are almost wholly conducted on male adolescents and young adults which has significantly skewed the results, bringing us to all sorts of erroneous conclusions."

    I'm not sure this is correct. The data is a reflection of the struggles of SINGLE men, regardless of age. Men in relationships have different struggles, and while it's perfectly valid to study those as well - because they're different - it doesn't negate or invalidate the struggles that single men face.

    And it seems that at a couple of points in the article, you too were conflating those two groups. When you said you knew men who "didn't know there was a gender war", you were referring mostly to men in relationships. That's like saying people in wealthy neighborhoods don't know what's going on in the 'hood - which is true, but not especially relevant, and it doesn't mean that the problems in the 'hood don't exist. Men who are single and men who are in a relationship lead very different lives and tend to have very different problems, but you can't dismiss one group's problems because the other group doesn't share them.

    • No, I'm speaking of university-funded studies which study university-aged students. They are typically young, unmarried, and single. How do you know what men I know? What I wrote was "They see no issue, no 'gender war', no unresolvable conflict..." which is different than not knowing about or believing in the existence of a gender war. You are the one who is conflating.

    • My point is: the university-aged students are, as you stated, largely single. Single guys are "fighting in the trenches" struggling to find partners. Of course they're going to have very different problems and perspectives compared to those who are in relationships - that's to be expected.

  • I always preferred relationships in which we actually liked each other. We could kiss passionately and mean it. Our bodies belonged to each other.

    Paid sex never came close. I only did it a couple of times in my entire life. Yeah, there's a female body there, but all it's all about is me cumming. Then it's over. I think of it as the next level above masturbation, except there can be a post-coital feeling of, I don't know, call it disgust or shame.

    Hook ups are a step up because at least the girls are there for gratification, but they are still not as good as having a romantic connection.
    I think what I ran into when I was young is, my girlfriends were more than willing to have sex, but it more about allowing me to fuck them. Looking back, I realize that they weren't real passionate and didn't know how to make love to ME. They wanted a relationship with me but, for me, the initial infatuation eventually wore off because, without quite realizing it, even though they were really nice girls, as well as pretty, I became bored and wanted new adventures. I'll admit, though, that I was mentally and emotionally immature and didn't really know what I was doing or what I was looking for. I just liked girls.

    There was one girlfriend, though, who did know how to lie me down and make love to me. I'm talking about foreplay that drove me crazy. Her own body was also extremely erogenous and I could drive her just as crazy. She had a tremendous libido and loved lots of sex. She was adept and passionate and orgasmed a lot. She actually made me feel like a sexual god because being able to bring her to such rapture raised my own passion through the roof.
    We usually had sex twice a day on work days and sometimes for hours at a time on days off. To have sex for hours and cum several times without stopping had been unimaginable to me before then. She sucked hungrily and swallowed. And we did things that I had never done before.
    I never tired of her. I was passionately in love for over a year, the amount of time we were together. I think that raging bonfire level of infatuation could have lasted forever. Unfortunately, we broke up for complicated reasons that didn't have to do with sex or the fact that we loved each other. Later, she moved out of state.

    What I'm saying is, I love romance, monogamy and the kind of friendship in which I can be emotionally vulnerable, tender, communicative, and open about my feelings - all the things women want in a partner. I might not always be great at it, but it doesn't scare me or anything. I actually like it.
    But that kind of relationship becomes blissful when it's accompanied by amazing, uninhibited, lustful sex.

    • The thing is, soft, tender, lovey dovey sex doesn't do it for me. Sex and romance are different. Romance is before and after sex or anytime, like hanging out and doing things together. Romance can be all the time because we love each other and enjoy each other’s company. Sex is carnal, exciting, juicy, lascivious, fun. My ideal woman knows what to do to bring me to maximum arousal. She can be assertive in that sense at times. She is also capable of being brought to maximum arousal by me because her entire body is erogenous. And when we fuck, she likes to be fucked! She uses me to fuck herself while I am fucking her. In other words, she fucks me back. Does that make sense? No paid sex worker does that. It's not even close. And hook ups don’t have the emotional connection Ideally, I want the best of both worlds: a deeply connected, committed relationship with my best friend. But I also want her to be a wanton sex beast who can't get enough and thinks I am the man who pleases her better than any man could. She's even willing to give me blow jobs or let me use her for a quicky when I'm in the mood because she knows she’s a woman. With that, I feel like a man. And I have no desire to seek shallow gratification elsewhere. There are no unmet, unresolved desires and needs. I love, worship and adore her with my entire heart and soul because of her sexuality as well as all the other things she brings to our relationship. I could make a long list of all the things I appreciate about her besides sex. .

    • I'll only add that I still like to look at other women. I really admire the female form. But looking doesn't inspire a desire to want other women. In fact, it makes me want my woman even more because she is a woman - an amazing woman who satisfies all of my needs and more. So, I’m wondering if what I described is a solution to the problem that you described in some men’s tendency to seek sexual gratification outside of a monogamous relationship. Is it possible for a man to be all things to a woman if she is all things to him? And thank you for this MyTake. It's an interesting topic and you did a great job of tackling it.

    • Interesting and detailed as usual, Lliam. What I'm wondering is how and why you got to this point in your life and in your relationship/marriage, and some men (and women, but to a lesser degree) do not. Should we give credit to the years, and say that at a certain point in your life (more than a couple of decades ago, wasn't it), you felt ready to fully give yourself to one woman? Or, was it 'the' woman that made all the difference? 'The One' - a dangerous goal, in my opinion, as if fate and a nebulous entity up in the sky grant such gifts. I am reluctant to attribute your happiness to either of these. Don't they seem a bit like a magic bullet solution... you either attain it or you don't? You and I know sexuality and sex and relationships are complicated. I don't know of anyone else on this site who is still in a marriage of our lengths. But it is not just years that we share in common. It is thinking, certain ideologies, philosophies, n'est ce pas? I don't want to try to encapsulate it in a few words, but I suspect the fact that we both write is a piece of it, at the core of who we are - connecting the physical with the metaphysical/intangible. P. S. Paid sex workers don't fuck you back? That's shocking. Care to elaborate? (Do you mean they look like they are, but you can see they're jus pretending?)

    • Show All
  • Transactional sex, e. g., prearranged by some automatic coordination, incentive, or without any social preselection, does not float my anything. Maybe I'm a bit sapio- like that that I can't just perform with someone I don't know like a fckboy robot.

    I do not mind if someone brings me a hot girl who needs a shag when there is a click, but some app that makes it into an appointment or readily-available where princesses demand service is not sexy at all. And meeting random women from an app for sex sounds pathetic. I'd rather just move or visit somewhere with more attractive women around and interrupt their neck-bent screen addictions in the real world.

  • Well done! What an excellent gem-of-a-find here on GAG. A very thoughtful and well-researched overview of male sexuality. I very much enjoyed reading it, and look forward to the subsequent parts in your series.
    PS) The "Dunning-Krüger Effect" has to be my favorite of all the cognitive biases! I've written at length about them here on GAG many months ago.

  • Thank you again

  • masculinity and male sexuality are weighty and complex topics for sure! Nice take!

  • Why can’t I scroll all the way down 😑

    • Try reading it on browser if you're on the mobile app, or the other way around

    • Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know what the problem is, but I've temporarily had this issue before on some of my other mytakes. I've sent a message to the site about it. It is readable in the desktop version, as @vencam said, just not on mobile in app, it appears. (For now, anyway. I have found it miraculously gets better sometimes. If I found out anything official, I will reply back.)

    • By the way, I read this on mobile app with no issues @AmandaYVR

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  • everyone here writing essays here and i wanna read but I don't know if my brain can take all of this

    • I know what you mean. There is waaaay too much content on the internet to absorb it all. Can't tell you how many articles I want to read and have sitting in my email. Sometimes it makes your brain short-circuit.

  • Tbh didn't understand half of this. But that's probably due to me not really prefer or lure towards Transnational sex and i don't find sex that much of a big deal. Unlike you must clearly do talking about all the emotions that come with it? Which i really didn't get sex is just sex. Emotions like all of that only come through in actual just been together and loving each in my opinion. Sex is just lust to procreate if were going by it's pure nature of what it is for. Then well sex without procreation is just for fun but the body still wants to procreate overall. So it's kinda still just that. That been said i would rather have Sex with someone i am with and love rather than Transactional.

    And i cannot tell if the dissociation thing you were talking about was just simply lust cause sounds it. Guy gets bored of girlfriend sex and try's to do it with someone else cause he fell out of lust for her and didn't actually grow to love her. Which means he finds lust for someone else. Which is something i would not do unless if we both agree it's just lust and we can see if any feelings happen and well if one of us get's hurt that's are own risk but mostly it's better to just ignore that lust for someone and develop feelings. Just gotta know the difference.

  • It is good that we are being made more aware of this (mostly because of the preferences we are confronted with).

    I would argue that the effect of this reaches much further than just sexuality. Men are for a big part taught to repress the emotional side of the psyche or at least to ignore it leaving an imbalance in the ego never truly getting to the point where they can express themselves as they want, or should be able to. This in a sense bleeds into everything we do.

    Most of the misconceptions we have are because the entire concept of what it is to be male in the stereotypical sense is taught more clearly than being a human first and foremost. The culture of being male that is present very early also keeps itself in place with emotion labelled as weakness never to be talked about.

    But to come back at the topic and that is something I have to completely agree on. There are effects to Ignoring your mental needs just like your bodily needs. So, much like refusing to eat will cause hunger, so will deprivation of emotion create a yearning to open up or be heard. Trying to make others not see that is probably why a lot of men go for simplicity because in the intellectual side of the ego it's established as such a weakness that they can't go to anyone with it.

  • If I were divorced I’d have really conflicting impulses between looking for hookups vs a relationship. I want the whole package... but I’ve never had it and in my life embracing the emotional relationship has meant giving up on sex. I’ve had better sexual experiences fooling around when single. While I’ve seen men follow the paths you describe I’ve certainly seen men turn to hookups because they carry baggage of bad sex relationships and aren’t willing to get into a relationship where someone else owns so much of their ability to feel sexually satisfied.

    looking forward to the rest of your Posts.

    • You have the wisdom and beleaguered resignation of a man who placed his chips on the table and lives with the consequences of his decisions. I understand. 'You can have it all' is an idealistic myth that has been propagated too much. My husband has been reconnecting with some long-lost school friends recently these past months, and while he sought some advice about his current [misgivings?] with me, he was given one piece of very valuable advice. "Be careful there. All the men I know who left in search of 'the other' ended up finding it was not enough to sustain them, but when they tried to get back to what was, it was gone." I'm not saying it's always true (I'm sure not), but it was actually helpful. Yet what was even more disruptive, and ultimately productive, was a complete (and extremely stressful) dismantling of what was. If you survive that, 'out of the ashes, rises a phoenix.' I'm saying this not because I know you, but just a couple of comments exchanged between us, your age, and a certain world-weary realism and realization, that I too, have experienced. Desire is a mighty complex topic. This is just the tip. But I can tell you that I thought the water was more shallow than it was in reality.

  • Informative.

  • There is also a phenomenon of what I would call transactional intimacy which can been seen in fetishes such as bondage.
    When a man is bound by the woman, he is at the center of attention and submits to his lighter and more obedient side. There seems to be something about this transactional intimacy that is sexually themed, but more intimate and ritualistic in reality.
    I found this out through actually seeing a dominatrix who tied me up and made me pull off her socks with her teeth, take off her shoes, kiss her in many areas and a few other things.
    As you mentioned, sex is just a doorway into a deeper portal as the same can be said about fetishes.

    • Interesting, Luke. You bring up two points which stand out to me - 1. The subservient is actually the one being [lavished?] with attention. They are subject. By being an object, you're right, they are at the centre. So objectification can actually be emboldening, not simply demeaning. 2. Bondage as intimacy... hmm. That one's next level. I'll be pondering that one.

    • I felt like I (the prisoner for 2 hours) was providing her a service rather than the other way around even though I was paying. She took a genuine appreciation of how "soft" my lips were as well as some of my other bodily features (I was told to strip naked before I was tied up). So in this session we have a complete picture of coercion, dominance, gratification, appreciation for being a good servant, body worship and nakedness. Basically, by being a slave you are of central importance to the dominatrix's fetish as opposed to your own otherwise she wouldn't be in a business that is so personal. The tables are somewhat turned, but I am sure she was more aroused than I was. I was also hadn't tied any one up in a while, so I was a bit of a rarity even though bondage is her specialty. As for the bondage itself, the act of tying (especially in the "BDSM" style, which is based off of Japanese ropework) is more intimate than being placed in a set of handcuffs. You are being constantly touched, moved and ordered, so the physicality AND the amount of rope used on you makes you feel "coddled" in a way.

    • Yes, shibari.

      I'm not going to argue that you are not providing pleasure to her/them as well.
      There does exist the possibility that the reasons that certain people get into the sex industry are of questionable roots. But I'll just leave it at that. Because both can exist - an uncomplicated, and complicated foundation for it.

      You write and explain very well.
      I need another MHO to give out.

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  • Very informative, interesting, and well written! If i searched all over the Internet i wouldn't find something like this! This should go viral!

    Thank you very much for your time writing this.

    Patiently waiting for part 2😍

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it 💛

    • No need, its the truth!🤗

  • """
    What does it say about him that he would pay for sex or seek it in what is often perceived to be a degraded, inferior form?

    Well, the one word answer is 'it's simpler.'
    Paid-for sex is the promise that, at least for the [sixty minutes] on the clock, she’ll take away the typical emotionally-heavy complexities that he is so often faced with.

    This is very accurate! This is why I go to the prostitutes, give them 50-100 bucks for 1-2 hours of euphoric experience.

    In fact we men are so simple, that when an attractive woman tells us "Let's have sex now" we'll go for it without hesitation (unless we are occupied with something else, haha). Or another example why we go to prostitutes. She says "60 bucks for an hour" we say "I'll take two!".

    Where do we spend our "complex time", so that we won't apply complexities in the real world? It's simple (again, haha) - how do you think we grow money in our banks? We solve complex tasks at work and after work we don't want any more complexities. So we resort to prostitutes. We don't have time, energy or the will to deal with the complexities of reading a woman, who isn't making it easy for us (who is doing the chasing, impressing etc...). The difference between these women and work is that work aims to make it easier for us while (some) women deliberately play mind games or in other ways make it harder for us.

    A good woman makes a man's dick hard and not his life ;)

    Male Sexuality Part I: Disassociation Theory & the Lure of Transactional SexMale Sexuality Part I: Disassociation Theory & the Lure of Transactional Sex
  • I cannot disagree with this very well written take , I am glad my formerly high Male Curse has greatly faded , at younger ages especially , males. on average , are cursed with a libido many orders of magnitude stronger than his female counterparts , good feckin' riddance to mine !!

  • this was very well written. I appreciate the effort and research you most likely put into this. I have a few comments regarding the Subject

    You wrote "For many men, masculinity is equated with sexual performance, and this carries a whole set of expectations". Unfortunately this seems to be true for some men, especially young western men. But it is not true for any men who have found purpose to their life or are seeking. No successful man who ever existed associated his masculinity with sexual performance.

    That is a very simplistic and low bar to base your masculine identity on. And once you reach it, there really isn't much else. And losing it would be an identity crisis. Successful men base their masculinity on how good they perform at their tasks. And thats what keeps them going forward and succeeding.

    Association your masculinity with your sexual performance is as mundane as it is basing it on how strong you are, or how big you are or how much you can drink before passing out. Its a childish version of adult masculinity. And smart men know this, at least over time, most do. (For some reason i seem to be unable to divide the paragraphs to my liking). While i agree with your views on transactional sex, i disagree with a few things regarding your assessment of the dissociation theory.
    Prostitution is known as the oldest profession for a reason. There was always a demand for it. But it wasn't the norm. Recently, the amount or % of men who use those types of services ( including the other things you mentioned like porn, and i would also say onlyfans) has increased a lot. Marriages on the other hand are falling apart. There are more divorces than ever before, and relationships are shorter than ever before.
    This is not normal and it doesn't have to do with dissociation. There are two reasons for this.
    one reason is that humans in general have moved to a culture of instant gratification. Instant gratification revolving practically everything.
    We want instant food, instant transportation, instant results for our work or performance, instant communication etc etc.
    It has made us lazy, narcissistic and unappreciative.
    There used to be a time where there was NO long distance communication, let alone phone calls and social media. Even after letter and written messages were invented, it usually took some time to reach the destination. For transport, you would have to walk or travel more. So those things had value. Nowadays they have lost their value, and so did people. as everything became replaceable, so did people. Nowadays you can just change your partner and nobody really would care.
    This instant gratification culture is what made men and women to place less value in real relationships and more in casual flings and hookups.

    • sorry about not being able to space it, Im still unsure why. The second more men have moved to transactional or casual sex is because of the unrestricted enabling of female hypergamy. I always say the biggest tragedy of last century was the " sexual revolution". I believe it will ruin more lives than ww1 and ww2 have ruined combined if it hasn't already by now. The sexual revolution and women being free to choose their mates has led to some of the possibly worst decision making regarding marriage and family. This is directly correlated with single motherhood and fatherless children, which is the direct result of women choosing men without family/community involvement.

    • Without getting too much into that i will say the general problem with hypergamy altogether. Female hypergamy primes women to select the most suitable man that she has access to. This basically means that women will choose the top percentage of men. Due to the sexual revolution and feminist movement, modern women ( at least western women) have this idea that any man is a potential candidate. This means that all women think they can be partnered with any man they like. And due to hypergamy, they will all be interested in the same, small portion of the top men. This image that women have is neither true nor realistic. The male reproductive strategy on the other hand isn't hypergamy , its the "bang as many as you can" or " sow your seed" strategy. This is also an unrealistic strategy and the two are supposed to cancel each other out to an extend, but due to the current dominance of hypergamy it has a different effect. In the hypergamous system, for the top males, our mating strategy is enabled, while for the much larger bottom population, it is disabled. SO instead of balancing it, we have guys who are getting not much action or none at all and guys at the top who are getting all the action from all these women without giving the women any commitment ( they don't have to since there are so many women ). So no one is really satisfied, except for the top males.

    • The fact that there are so many scandals involving celebrities and powerful men, the existence of incels, the growing population of single mothers and unwed women, and the decline in marriage are all symptoms of this issue. If you cannot tell how this relates to men wanting more transactional sense, it is this simple: The men at the top simply don't have to. Their strategy is enabled by female strategy to the max so they can just make use of it, instead of investing and committing to a relationship. On the other hand, the men below , don't have access to women or have to work so hard for it that they too end up preferring transactional sex like soliciting hookers or simply engaging in activities like porn or paying online models.

  • "This leaves him with a host of competing ideologies about what it means to be a man.". This is a very important point. Because, on the one side, there are those who expect us to be polite. While, on the other side, there are those who expect us to be aggressive. Well, you can't have it both ways. I am fully aware that many women prefer the aggressive approach. But I still consciously choose not to take that route, because it is not who I am. I know who I am. I know how I was raised and the values instilled in me. And those are progressive feminist values. Once society has advanced, there is no regression -- at least not in the same generation. I'm not going to change my approach, because this is how I have been programmed to be. This is who I am and what I am. And I accept that. I am comfortable with myself. I know that I cannot please everyone. So, those who like my courting style will like me and those who do not will not. That is life. And I am fine with that.

    • This was a great MyTake, by the way. Very, very good.

  • Let's just cut through the din.

    Men are designed by nature to plant their seeds and go. It's a survival assurance mechanism of evolution. No matter how hot a girl is, once he's had her, it's not so great anymore. They are lured more by the hunt and conquest than the capture. Men are designed to be sexual hunters.

    And THAT is why they lose interest (in a single paragraph I might add).

    • You're doing a disservice to men by defining them as simply this.
      And no, most men do not like 'the chase.'
      I've seen the polls and it's only ~ 20-25% that will answer yes on that.
      Male Sexuality Part I: Disassociation Theory & the Lure of Transactional Sex
      Honestly, you have a rudimentary understanding of it all.

    • So lucky we have you to set us straight and give the definitive answer.

    • This is nonsense, RingofFire. The vast majority of men don't enjoy 'the chase' and are much, much happier in a steady relationship than bouncing from woman to woman. Evolution has produced a species which is heavily based on mutual benefit and forming strong bonds between individuals and small groups, not a species where one sex 'plants its seeds and goes'. This is literally right in front of you. Practically every single society on Earth and throughout history, from our small hunter-gatherer tribes on up through modern times, is based on a man and a woman forming a long-term pair, not on a man going from woman to woman to have many kids. Hell, you can see it from the moment boys reach puberty. Most don't inherently fuck every girl they can if they have the choice of fucking someone they like. Given a choice of having sex with their girlfriend over and over again or trying to get with many different women, almost all young men will choose the former unless there are underlying relationship problems.

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  • A very good take. Entirely novel for a woman to start to understand male emotions (not that different from female, when not forced into having to be that way).

    I am in an entirely different situation - there is a woman, who, apart from referring to me as very emotional - also seems to be a prostitute (Russian).

    So, me in abstinence, and her banging someone for money - what do you think I should do? Stop caring? Go bang a prostitute myself?
    I don't see a chance of enduring it - it is a violation of trust that perhaps could be forgiven if she made huge amends for it - she is, instead, dumb and limited as only the Russians can be - trying to sell me on her seduction and body pics/videos.

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