Superb Opinion

  • Even she admits she needs to get back in shape.
    I say this for her good and the good of anyone with a similar figure:
    Go on a diet, don't try to justify it, don't try to normalize it, don't just keep gaining weight qs a middle finger to those who called you fat.
    Cholesterol, heart problems and all kinds of health issues are not worth it. Plus a healthy body helps with a healthy mind there is literally no downside to getting in shape.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Do you think an old man looks good in a speedo? Women like this wear small outfits to my gym and I see many men trying to stay in the other end of they gym. If they dressed appropriately for their size they would be hated much less. Her body is in medical distress which indicates she is too fucking stupid to put the twinkies down even though it is killing her.

    • the exact opposite of her is the most attractive female type

Most Helpful Girls

  • While there is nothing at all wrong with bigger people (as long as they are within a healthy weight of course) no, I personally don’t find this body type sexually attractive.

  • No. She has an unhealthy body style. To each it’s own, but I’m not sure why this country has gotten so sensitive that we need to glorify unhealthy bodies

    • That is FAR from unhealthy. Just because white people like stick-thin bodies, don't mean everyone needs to be a f*cking twig to be attractive. You people act as if she's 400+ pounds or something.

    • @Mcheetah uhh she’s not far off from 300 lbs it looks like and that’s unhealthy. I am white and not a skinny twig and my white boyfriend doesn’t like skinny twigs, but this is obese.

    • @MCheetah if you like overweight women, you probably just need to have no shame. No need to attack me as if you think I’m a skinny twig lol I weight about 130 lbs

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What Girls & Guys Said

9 83
  • Damn! She must have some nice ham bones.

  • Not at all. Not my style.

  • Yes I do! She has a a great frame, not too much on the short side, and fertile proportions.

  • Hell to the no!

  • The girl is morbidly obese. Nothing attractive about that at all.

  • Absolutely! DAMN, that is JUST my type! She looks around six feet tall, as well. I like everything about her but the hair. If she had nice looking hair, she'd easily be a 9 out of 10, in my opinion.

    • Also, don't expect white men to say Yes to this question. White people notorious hate curves on women. If a girl is over 130 pounds, they call that "fat" for some reason, but if a girl has the body of a 12 year old and is as flat as a board from chest to ass, they think it's the hottest thing ever. It's VERY annoying... 🙄

    • Exactly but put a girl up there with no body at all white dudes call it a 10

    • Ahhhh it’s a cultural thing. But you cannot tell me this isn’t obese because one of her thighs weighs about 100 pounds

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  • Nope. Not at all.

  • Nope she's disgustingly fat

  • She has the right attitude because she says she's trying to get back in shape.

    She should be commended for that.

    I dislike revealing clothing though.

    She needs to lose weight for her health and I'm sure she'll look much better.

  • I consider that to be obese which is unhealthy.

  • I dunno. I don't think so.

  • No, I have standards.

    • Ur a girl tho

    • What does that have to do with anything?

    • Are you lesbian or bi

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  • Yup.

    • Does she look obese

    • A bit but the dress and her fashion is on point

  • I don't no.

  • Not at all.

  • I will gladly turn lesbian for this one. DAMN. Please look at those HIPS! And the tights! She is gorgeous. And I don't know why but she seems to smell like vanilla ice cream. Okay I'm out 🏃🏿‍♀️🤣

  • Nope. Nuff said.

  • I don't but she could do better with it.

  • Hey anybody can be attractive to the right person eyes

  • No. Too fat. I've done my part for fat chicks! I wanna try skinny chicks, for a change.

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