Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

An interesting trend we've seen on GaG are questions about circumcision. A relatively hush-hush topic, GaGers have applied their curiosity and taken to GaG to find out more about this elusive topic, and what people really think about it. Check out some recent questions that popped up and the great insight you offered!

Pros of circumcision? By @Samm64

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

Why is circumcision even legal still on babies/children unless it has to be done for a medical reason? By @26ukdude

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

Should a male be given the choice whether or not to be circumcised or should the choice be made for him as a child without his consent? By @blondfrog

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

What's the point of circumcision? By @LovesTVDx

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

What is it about US-Americans and circumcision? By @genericname85

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

My girlfriend of 3 years wants me to get circumcised? By Anonymous

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

Um what exactly is the circumcision process like? Does it make the penis look and feel very different? By @JulesRules

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

What makes you decide to circumcise? By @poops

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision

Loose circumcision... the best of both worlds? By Anonymous

Top Questions: Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision


And finally, if these Q&A's are not enough, one GaGer, @Mesonfielde found a really great video that might help answer some of your nagging questions on the matter....

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I was circumcised for religious reasons. I grew up never having any problems with it, not putting any thought into it. I still don't have a problem with it. What I have a problem with (like what @PhiOmega said) is people telling me I'm a victim for it. Calling it mutilation (even if that is what the definition is) and saying how chopped up I must be. You didn't give one pro to circumcision and all you did was bash it. You took all these opinions from GAGers but didn't give any other source. No offense to the GAGers mentioned, but that is mostly opinion right? This is an opinion site correct? Here is my opinion.
    You all call it child abuse. I call it a covenant with my God that shows my commitment and readiness for Him. I don't have a problem with it, I don't resent my parents for making the decision, I don't resent my doctor for doing it, and I don't feel shame that I am like this. Would I have liked to have had a say? Of coarse. However my choice would still be the same. Everyone whines and moans about the men who are circumcised being mutilated, when all cut people I know don't care. If done right, circumcision shouldn't affect you very much. Yeah there is the pleasure thing, but that can be dealt with. It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't look like a mess, it doesn't hurt my mental state. I am fine with it.

    • Kudos for you.

    • Ur not a victim of anything except for these dudes who can't stop thinking about dick all the time

    • Actually, unless you chose your circumcision for yourself, it's actually your PARENTS' way to show THEIR commitment to their God using YOUR body. You want benefits? okay: 1.) negligible differences in UTI rates (USA claims that it decreases the likelihood, but the USA has higher rate of UTIs than Europe - and it's most likely due to bad hygiene ~ also, UTI can be treated with antibiotics) 2.) negligible differences in STD transmission rates (it only affects you if you have sex with infected people AND it's way less effective than a condom, in fact, even if you are circ'd you still need to use a condom for safe sex ~ also, they use circumcision as an "STD prevention measure" in Africa, only because they cannot afford condoms) 3.) it's "easier to clean" as you don't have to spend 1 second retracting your foreskin before you apply water. Fascinating difference. 4.) "It looks better", but that's only true if you grew up thinking a chopped penis is what is considered "normal".

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I think men should have the right to choose whether they want to be circumcised or not. I don't think it's right that they are forced against their will as babies. If they wanted to get it done later as adults, that's perfectly fine. I personally don't care what you do with your junk. That's just me, though.

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 21
  • I'm an American and I lived in Europe . So I've seen both. For a woman uncut feels better, I'd say 90% of my friends agree.
    As far as looks if you're a child and go "eww" at the sight of an uncut penis you probably shouldn't be having sex and need to grow the fuck up. It's not a 100 tumor, it's a tiny bit of extra skin. Some men are so fat you can't even see their penis... Which would you prefer?
    It literally takes 10 seconds to clean
    As far as medically, I'll explain a little, some boys are born with very tight foreskin, making it hard or impossible to pee, so circumcision is necessary... But it can be done other ways. My fiancée was born with a very tight foreskin that prevented urination. Instead of a horizontal circumcision that would removed skin. His parents asked the doctor to do a vertical cut to relieve the pressure but to preserve the foreskin. So even still there is no medical need to cut a piece of skin off a child's penis.
    I fought with my sister, gave her all the info I could find, she still had it done. Now she says it's the only thing she regrets in her entire life because he was perfect the way he was

  • I'm not against male circumcision though I don't avidly support it. The reasons why it's done are usually asinine in my opinion, but the benefits that I have seen for it--and I researched both pros and cons--is why I support it.

    No one's going to change my mind. It's up to the parents though I wish they would allow their boys to make up their own minds. I would personally not have it done for my son. But I still think the parents have the right to decide.

    • I especially like the parents who decided to go with it and then regret it for getting a botched circumcision, which made their children have problems for a lifetime. Painful erections, chafed penises, scars all over, sometimes almost bleeding to death, or of course who doesn't know about the case of David Reimer whose entire penis was removed "by accident". That, and you're still permanently altering the genitals of a 3 days old baby.

    • I should cite things. This site was interesting.

    • *Yawn* You're not going to make me change my mind. No duh that there are some parents like that and there are those who are happy that they made the choice for their children. ... And?

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  • I find it to be totally unnatural, unnecessary and immoral in terms of babies having it done with no consent. I'd hate to grow up knowing part of my anatomy was cut off against my will.

    • The most interesting notion here is the coping mechanism of the people who are circumcised.
      The way people accept what was done to them.
      One of its primary elements is denial, after all.
      Just like here:

    • Not that I'm actually for or against circumcision, but that argument would mean it's also wrong to remove any cancer a baby might have.

    • A natural body part that's MEANT to be there, is totally different to a mutation that kills you. Your foreskin isn't going to kill you. Entirely invalid argument. @skadouchebag

  • I don't understand why this has to be an issue. Circumcised or not, just accept and be contented with it.

    • The foreskin is not useless. It is sexually functioning tissue. The "issue" is that this tissue is being mutilated without consent. The choice is being made for people and it permanently effects their sexual experience later in life. If a man wants to be circumcised later in life, he can be circumcised. If a man wants to be uncircumcised later in life, he can't be uncircumcised. He can't get back the nerve rich tissue that was taken from him. That's the problem. There is no excuse in this day and age to circumcise a baby.

  • I'm the mother of two boys. Neither of them were circumsized. Each individual parent needs to make their own call. But for me, I just didn't see why I would put them through that. And if any girl doesn't like them because of it, then she doesn't deserve them anyways.

  • The take is a little biased ( coming from an intact guy myself lol). This video is very user friendly and quite objective

    My personal opinion is wait until your kid is 12/16/18 or whatever the legal age for surgical procedures is. Also don't pressure them to make a choice either way. If they ask the question, Give them all the facts, dispel the myths and let them make a FULLY INFORMED decision

    • Chicks hot bro

    • Yeah, she made a video 3 years later which wasn't nearly as objective about it XD apparently times change

    • I'd watch those videos if that chick's voice wasn't so ear-drum damagingly awful. She can break glass with that horrible voice of hers.

  • I don't have an issue with guys who are circumcised. I don't even care if people circumcise their babies. I just don't see the point in it. The only reasons I hear is that it's for esthetics and hygiene. The vagina and the vulva probably hold more bacteria and dead cells than a foreskin, so why don't we cut those away too? The whole hygiene argument is basically a straw man.

    • I really wish people would actually comment with an opposing argument rather than just down voting.

    • I agree 100%. It's a double standard. The same people who abhor female circumcision turn around and support male circumcision.

    • The vagina actually is like a self cleaning oven and rids itself of impurities. Vaginal circumcision of the clitorus was actually also suggested. It just never went through, but circumcision isn't mandatory. Any man can decide not to circumcise his son's penis. Parental consent is needed.

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  • @Mesonfielde is the king of circumcision. You can ask him anything about it.

    • No. He is the king of uncircumcision.

    • @Red_Arrow - He has proper knowledge and I can't deny this.

    • There are expert studies on both sides. He chooses to ignore those that say other than what he likes. I have had discussions on here and he ignores anything that shows the 'other side'. So now I refuse to discuss it with him. He is passionate towards his belief to the point of disregarding all else. And if you disregard a whole side of an argument, you do not have proper knowledge.

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  • A very biased piece, which would be fine for a member, but not a G@G editor. Starting with "Pros of circumcision?' and the only response shown is one that is not a pro.

    Followed by a comment that the only reason we have circumcision is because people don't care for boys as much as for girls. (What crap)

    And it just continues. As I said, it is fine for a My Take from a member, but not as a statement from the editor. Very wrong.

    • You're right, an editor shouldn't put anything of pros and con's, and only do one, do botj

    • Why? It's kind of true. Circumcision is an outdated religious procedure designed in the deserts, that is so prevalent in the USA today because Kellogg was successful at making people think that masturbation is the cause of all problems. In the end, today, most of its "benefits" essentially come down to people thinking that the foreskin causes cancer and infections, which is just unrealistic. People in the USA don't have a significantly lower rate of UTIs than Europeans, there are studies about it. I do admit this take is a slight bit biased even in my opinion, I usually list the supposed benefits of circumcision and counter them with data and studies. :p For example, they say "it reduces the risk of STDs". There are studies which show that it's insignificant compared to condoms, and the reason why it's used for this purpose in Africa is because they cannot afford condoms. Also, this is like forcing girls on birth control because "they WILL have sex (with people who have STDs).

    • Why? Because editors should not cite opinions to prove their opinions especially in this kind of media. Medical Research Council Tropical Epidemiology Group, United Kingdom. natasha. larke@lshtm. ac. uk found some evidence of HPV prevention and higher clearance in men who were circumcised. H A Weiss, S L Thomas, S K Munabi, and R J Hayes did several studies in Africa, USA, UK, and Australia that found that there were reductions in syphilis, chancroid, and genital herpes with circumcision. Many other studies have found a relationship between childhood circumcision and prevention of other diseases. And yes, many have been in the US, but that is because the US organizations have spent the money to research those things where others have not. "Unrealistic"? Some studies have not only shown higher rates of cancer and infections in uncircumcised males, but have explained why.

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  • The fact is that circumcision has proven medical benefits, reducing the chance of HIV contraction by 60 percent and genital herpes by 40 percent, not to mention the other STDs where research hasn't been conducted. Women will turn you down for being uncircumsised, but no woman will turn you down for being circumcised.

    • "The fact is that circumcision has proven medical benefits" Bullshit. "Women will turn you down for being uncircumsised" More bullshit. "no woman will turn you down for being circumcised. " My god, just stop with the bullshit already.

    • Just because you disagree with the implications of scientific facts doesn't make these facts any less true; circumcision significantly reduces the chance of STD transmission from vaginal sex. Not to mention the fact that it eliminates the possibility of having an odor due to poor hygiene. Have fun with your disgusting sac of harmful bacteria stuck on your penis. Mine is cleaner, healthier, and better looking without it.

    • If only you knew about all the kinds of bacteria that thrive inside our bodies, especially in the intestinal tract.

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  • Uncircumsized dicks are gross, I'm glad circumsition is a thing

    • So are fat chicks... but we keep them around... lol

  • I see many posts by women on this issue... WHY?
    It has nothing to do with women other then what they see when they are having sex with a guy. My ex wife, who is a RN (nurse).. and her entire office is all women nurses... every one of them (except 1) said that a uncircumcised penis would be a complete deal breaker for them in a relationship.
    I am circumcised, I had my 3 sons circumcised, I would do it again, I would tell any man he should be. It is visually better for the large majority of women, esp here in the USA. It also is safer and less prone to medical conditions. A penis is gross enough to look at when circumcised, when it isn't it is just nasty beyond belief. I have never seen one in real life thankfully, but I have seen them in pic's and porn.

  • Really interesting take - i didn't realize it was such a hot issue...

    • It isn't a hot issue, only here on GaG by some who dont like it.

    • @Jersey1 actually, it's only a hot issue in the USA, where people don't see why slicing off a part of a baby's body permanently is morally and physiologically problematic.

    • No one, no one, is talking about this in the US. you are from Eastern Europe so you have no idea about what is happening here. No one brings this up in conversation, no one. You have some hangups on this as you always post about it bthere is a deep seated issue with you. It isn't normal at all for someone to have such a focus on this, it is symptomatic of something bigger.

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  • I'm just surprised all of those weren't from "Mesonfielde" lol

    • Lol, same here

    • 4 out of ten were.

    • Hey, I'm not the only one active on this subject :P

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  • I won't circumsize my future sons. It's becoming a thing of the past.

  • Thanks for the citing! :D


  • I am fascinated with Mesonfielde's fascination with other men's genitalia.

    • I must admit, I was surprised when my dedication required me to look up pictures to prove my points from time to time. But the question goes far beyond mere looks, it's about the idea itself and its implications and consequences.

  • It's a scientific fact that Circumcision is very medically beneficial.

    "Circumcising the newborn facilitates penile hygiene, prevents cancer of the penis and decreases the incidence of genital herpes in later life. Whether it decreases the incidence of cancer of the cervix is still uncertain. More important, neonatal circumcision is associated with much lower morbidity and mortality and with lower costs than therapeutic circumcision. Thus, prophylactic circumcision is recommended for the male population as a whole."

    "Three randomized trials in Africa demonstrated that adult male circumcision decreases human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition in men by 51% to 60%"

    "Two trials demonstrated that male circumcision reduces the risk of acquiring genital herpes by 28% to 34%, and the risk of developing genital ulceration by 47%"

    "While some consider male circumcision to be primarily a male issue, one trial also reported derivative benefits for female partners of circumcised men; the risk of HR-HPV for female partners was reduced by 28%, the risk of bacterial vaginosis was reduced by 40%, and the risk of trichomoniasis was reduced by 48%"

    "“Male circumcision is in principle equivalent to childhood vaccination,” said the lead author, Brian J. Morris, emeritus professor of medical sciences at the University of Sydney. “Just as there are opponents of vaccination, there are opponents of circumcision. But their arguments are emotional and unscientific, and should be disregarded.”

    • Well the vast majority of medical experts in the world disagree with your opinion and that of the AAP and have made public statements on the issue based on their interpretation of the science. So like everything in the world there will be controversy and differing opinions but the medical consensus is that Circumcision, unless medicaly needed, is a very bad thing.

    • @jagger66 what I said isn't an opinion. It's a scientific fact that it reduces risk. The ONLY argument against it is sexual pleasure and a miniscule risk that essentially never happens in first world countries. What you linked me is apparently someone ranting about a book. I don't see the point. I've read dissenting opinions but even those in the medical community didn't disagree with the science they just basically liked foreskin. Very poor reasoning as far as I can tell. I couldn't care less if people want their foreskin but to say it's a good idea to keep it is probably false.

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  • Gosh, as if Meson couldn't be more of a circumcision celebrity!

  • Circumcision is not as popular as it used to be. It's mainly done in the Americas. Jewish community still perform circumsion. And others for hygiene purpose.

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