tiffany. yupp, thats the name. do the math and im eighteen. the cactus' proves i live in arizona. the diploma says i graduated. the future will let you know i plan to go to community college next year. look at my friends and you'll know i run with a bomb group of people. im pretty gangster. yupp -----> she said it. gangster. you dont know my life. dont act like it. i tame fire breathing dragons by day, and save the planet by night. im your everyday prankster. &i'll never lose that title, ya dig? :) good. jesus? he's a pretty cool dude. get to know him. sunflowers are the it flower, so get me some. dont be alarmed when i smack you on the butt, and say "you go sport". lets just have some fun, shall we? :) this is how i live my lifeeeeee.

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