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+1 y

What are signs a guy likes you but is trying not to show it?

"Mr. Everywhere - Meeting him many times by coincedence is another sign. Of course these are NOT coincidences but the person may either be changing his schedule to fit yours or he may be going to... Flirting

+1 y

Why is it some guys always complain about women only wanting bad guys, when they stick around the 'mean girls' just because they're hot?

I see this argument all too often about how nice guys aren't really nice or they only chase after super hot girls who are total bitches and that's why they are always complaining about being... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Which mythological Goddess is the most beautiful in your opinion?

Athena is the best Goddess hands down The goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength,... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

If you don't get sore muscles, is your workout worthless?

"If it's not hurting you then it is not changing you" Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it TRUE muscles and height do not matter if a girl is attracted to your face?

Why lift when it's all about the face Other

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