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+1 y

Would you stay with your girlfriend if she went blind?

I wouldn't leave you If I loved you. If your boyfriend leaves you, he probably never loved you in the first place. And you deserve better. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How to get out of a rut?

Yea, I know exactly what you are talking about, its like...going to bed early, getting 8 hours of sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, drinking plenty of water, going out for a morning walk, eating... Health & Fitness

+1 y

My boyfriend won't add pictures of him and I to facebook but adds photos of him and other girls?

Tisk, stop uploading pictures for him and take all the pictures from his phone next time and then tell him to upload them since its on his phone. and no it doesn't mean anything with him and... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do any other guys paint their girlfriends toes?

I've painted my ex girlfriends toe nails before and I was damn good at it, even her finger nails. She used to do my eyebrows, all my friends thought I was gay but I was the one pounding her while... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

WHY oh why do guys respond to intentional no contact?

He's just trying to get to know you and space out the amount of times he wants to hang out with you, especially since he is just getting to know you, he doesn't want to go for Date 3 right away... Dating

+1 y

What should I do when my boyfriend is scared of marriage?

OKAY Here is the thing. It's not that your guy doesn't love you, it's just that you have given him every reason NOT to get married. A guy's mentality is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." A... Relationships

+1 y

Is she trying to make me jealous?

YES SHE IS TRYING TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS I've met many many women in my life, and this always creeps up every once in a while. Here is what she is trying to do. She likes you, but she has... Flirting

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