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+1 y

Why is my country, the USA, the only place?

Because the country has the word America in it. And saying the whole name is too long. So yeah, that’s why. Travel

+1 y

Which country you belong to?

I’m Czech. Travel

+1 y

How many states have you been to?

I've only been to New York and Florida. Travel

+1 y

Thoughts About Mismatch Eye Colors Worn As Fashion?

I don't think there's anything fashionable about a genetic mutation. I mean it's really cool when someone has heterochromia for real, but it loses its appeal when it's fake. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How would you feel if someone got your significant other a Valentine's gift?

I'd find it a bit pathetic, but I wouldn't really be upset. As long as my boyfriend doesn't give a gift to another chick I'm good. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Who is your favorite 90s model?

Heidi Klum and Kate Moss. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you like salad?

Yeah, but only when it’s got lots of different veggies, seasoning and some meat or cheese. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like flying?

I enjoy flying because I associate it with traveling. I tend to get small mid-flight paranoia though. Travel

+1 y

Have u ever smoked weed? did u like it?

Yeah. It’s usually fun, but it depends on a lot of factors, like the strain of weed, what mood you’re in, the people you’re with... I’ve had a couple paranoid highs but it’s not that bad. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Give me your thoughts about my VALENTINE GIFT IDEA?

I think you thought of more than enough things tbh. I’m not giving my boyfriend anything for Valentine’s Day because I think it’s an unnecessary holiday. Out of these ideas, I’d give him maybe the... Valentine's Day

+1 y

Reggie or Chuck?

Reggie! Chuck looks like a douche to me. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

My boyfriend is a Hindu. How can I convert him to Muslim?

I don't think you can just persuade someone to be religious. It has to be his own decision. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What weird food combinations do you love?

I like McDonald fries with ice cream. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Which Harry Potter movie is your favourite?

Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hollows 2 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do guys like girls that have thick thighs?

Some guys are into skinny legs thigh gaps, some are into thick thighs and big booties. It's up to personal preference. Flirting

+1 y

Do you like pork hotdog?

I like hot dog, but without all the stuff on top. They're the best with just mustard in my opinion. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Obese passenger forces flight attendant to wipe his butt on plane. Opinions?

I read an article about this. Sometimes people are really fucking weird. Other

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