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Polls: Fashion & Beauty

What colours do I suit?

I always wear pink and gold jewellery but apparently it’s bad on me. Pink and blue - clothing Silver and gold - jewellery
I always wear pink and gold jewellery but apparently it’s bad on me. Pink and blue - clothing Silver and gold - jewellery Show More
Blue + silver
Pink + gold
Pink + silver
Pink + gold
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Full nude fashion shows?

Recently i encounter some fashion shows where models only showcasing accessories and walking in the ramp fully nude. These happening a low nowadays. Whats your view regarding this change? Share your thoughts about it.
Recently i encounter some fashion shows where models only showcasing accessories and walking in the ramp fully nude. These happening a low nowadays. Whats your view regarding this Show More
Its going wrong way.
Its okay as long as its an art.
Its the way of new lifestyle.
I dont care that shit.
Its a great change and i support it.
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Yes, I would love to see you wearing that
It’s not your style
Keep looking for something else
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I love it
It's okay
I don't like it
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Have You Ever Made An Appearance Alteration?

That others weren't too fond of? I did some freckles with henna and I am getting mixed reviews, however i like the appearance so much that I want to get it tattooed, they make me so happy and stand out from most I want to...
That others weren't too fond of? I did some freckles with henna and I am getting mixed reviews, however i like the appearance so much that I want to get it tattooed, they make me so Show More
I Would
I Would not
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Ladies, do you prefer to be Practical or Pretty?

So this is a followup on the question I asked yesterday about hair length ( What hair length is most appealing on women? )... GIRLS: Of course you can be BOTH practical and pretty, but what's your preference?...
So this is a followup on the question I asked yesterday about hair length ( What hair length is most appealing on women? )... GIRLS: Of course you can be BOTH practical and Show More
Simple Up Do (Bun)
Fancy Up Do (Bun/French Twist)
Straight Down
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When men hate on women with dyed hair , piercings, tattoos? Do they not realize the point is to scare them away/turn them off?

It seems like they don't realize the point is for them to hate it and be disgusted... These men are usually controlling and abusive in some way. At least that's what I've noticed so it's best to make it so they aren't...
Add Opinion 17 34
Very short hair
Chin-length hair
Shoulder-length hair
Mid-back length hair
Waist-length hair (or longer)
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No, I agree with that
Yes, even if she isn't someone's type, she realistically isn't mid in any aspect
I don't believe anything actually thinks that
No, I don't think that's unreasonable
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Head shape
Nothing, all are pretty good in my opinion
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5 mins
10 mins
30 mins
1 hour
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What Ariana Grande My Everything Era Outfit is best (part 5)?

My Everything Era (2014-2015) The outfit she wore for Tokyo is sooooo iconic. One of her best performance outfits regardless how simple it is. It’s giving cute school girl cunty realness. I miss when she used to dress...
My Everything Era (2014-2015) The outfit she wore for Tokyo is sooooo iconic. One of her best performance outfits regardless how simple it is. It’s giving cute school girl cunty Show More
American Music Awards (2015)
A Very Grammy Christmas (2014)
Stand Up to Cancer (2014)
American Music Awards (2014)
Jingle Ball (2014)
Disney Christmas Parade (2014)
Tokyo Concert (2014)
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No beard
Full beard
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Which Ariana Grande My Everything Era outfit is best?

I need to get these Ariana pictures out of my camera roll lol. So vote on an outfit so I can delete them
I need to get these Ariana pictures out of my camera roll lol. So vote on an outfit so I can delete them Show More
Radio Disney Music Awards 2014
Some private performance in 2015 I don't know
Global Citizens Festival 2015
Jimmy Fallon 2015
Dancing with the Stars 2014
iHeart Radio Concert Halloween 2015
New Years Eve 2016
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Sharp and dramatic features
Soft but balanced features
No preference
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Curly hair or straight hair?

Curly hair: Straight hair:
Curly hair: Straight hair: Show More
Straight hair
Curly hair
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squishy bigger butts
squishy smaller butts
firm big butts
firm smaller butts
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Views on Clean-Shaven men? Dealbreaker or did you not like until you saw, particularly, him? Him ♂️ 👀 😘💕?

That's right ladies. And men, what do you think of other men being clean-shaven as in, are they tougher than you, weaker than you, or better looking than you. Lol 😆 razor razor razor 🪒 👀 and ice cream lol 🍦🍨 cupid's...
That's right ladies. And men, what do you think of other men being clean-shaven as in, are they tougher than you, weaker than you, or better looking than you. Lol 😆 razor razor razor Show More
Clean-shaven makes me 👀 👀 eye pop
Clean-shaven makes me think weak and a leftie voter
Soy lattes anyone (no I'm not that person and I don't like the slang)
So smooth... so... smooth... 👁️ Women don't all stare at once.
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