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+1 y

Do you like jackfruit?

Definitely. Easily found in most parts of Asia. However, I don't enjoy it when it's used as a meat substitute. Jackfruit is naturally sweet - so I cannot understand why companies producing meat... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like Fried Fish and Chips?

I like the fact that you guys haven't changed it to "Fish and Fries". Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is it wrong to cook a beef brisket like a pot roast in a crock pot?

I'm reporting your Gumby face to the WCF - World Cooking Federation. Your blasphemous ways will not go unpunished. Seek forgiveness now, heathen, or forever wallow in sin. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is fasting healthy or is it dangerous?

Muslims fast from dawn to sunset for an entire month and some who do are even professional athletes who still continue training while fasting. But they consume food again at sunset. If by fasting... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you eat this cake?

Great if you're having a Cthulhu-themed Party! (there are such things, trust me). Food & Beverage

+1 y

How much does it take for you to get really, REALLY drunk?

The only time I got drunk was when I finished three quarters of a bottle of wine by myself on a flight. Usually, that amount of wine only gives me a buzz, but it turned out that the advice about... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you prefer fruits or vegetables?

Leafy veg always gets a raw deal. In your graphic, the one where the vegetables all have eyes and mouth (scary, that), notice how only one of them is a leafy veg? Most people I've observed don't... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you try exotic food around the world?

Been there. Done that. I'm no longer shocked by any food or cuisine. I guess the only thing I wouldn't want to try is human. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like what you see?

It's been a while since I ate Oil Exploding Ghost! It's not healthy at all, but damn it tastes good. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like Chicken Terrakyi with rice or noodles?

I do, but only when I make the sauce from scratch. I find commercial teriyaki sauces much too salty. Making it from scratch, I can better control how much sodium I put into my dish. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you rather have an intimate dinner or lavish dinner party?

Intimate dinner. Less cleaning up to do. I know many people who like cooking. I know far few who like cleaning. Food & Beverage

+1 y

What food item do you hate, that most people like?

Junkfood. Like chips, soda, candy, soft-drinks, etc. I stopped drinking Coke, and Pepsi, when I was a kid. It just feels like with these foods, you're eating a whole lot of sugar and salt and... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Does anyone here like their steak rare?

From experience working in a kitchen, I've observed that most men like their steaks medium rare to medium, while most women prefer theirs medium to well-done. The reasons as to why that is so is a... Food & Beverage

+1 y

How many trips abroad do you take per year?

If we include work-related trips, 4-6, depending. People who work as consultants for big international companies often travel far more than that. Travel

+1 y

Do you like bacon/pork?

I like it. But it's very fatty. And eating too much of it isn't healthy. Also, the smell can be incredibly pervasive if you cook it at home. And it's also very high in sodium, so should be eaten... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you go into one of the deepest caves in the world?

You know, from the top, that looks like a... Travel

+1 y

What would you write inside a fortune cookie?

You know fortune cookies are an American concept because of the messages you get inside. They always border on the hopeful, optimistic side of things. If the Chinese had been the ones to... Food & Beverage

+1 y

What is one food you refuse to eat?

I have eaten fermented shark meat and spiders, fugu fish (tasteless, actually) and bats. But I will never want to eat licorice, ever. Food & Beverage

+1 y

How much sugar do you have daily?

As an experiment, I tried not eating any salt or sugar for 3 months. I also avoided using food or ingredients that contain a high level of sodium, such as soy sauce, miso, natto, gochujang,... Food & Beverage

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