
Works in: Arts

Allergic to Ignorance.
Goals are dreams with deadlines.
Currently pursuing my Master's.
Spurs man since 2003. COYS!
Wie viele Sprachen sprichst Du?
Jetzt kann ich Englisch, Chinesisch ( Mandarin, Kantonesisch, und zwei Dialekte ), Japanisch, Koreanisch, und ein bisschen Deutsch und Spanisch sprechen.
Que tengas un bonito día.

Seasons come, seasons go.
Seasons start slowly sinking silently into each other.
Quietness and reflection even in a tidal wave of people.
Cicadas rouse and come together to sing their evening songs.
Birds trapped in round bird cages, tweeting forlornly for the freedom they once knew.
The slow chatter in the market’s background as the lady counts out your change.
Huddling around a fire, the sizzle and aroma of cooking pork belly enough to stave off winter’s chill.

In the end, perhaps in a very long while, maybe I can say I am home.
Or maybe, home is the sum of the memories I carry inside me.

From: United States

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