Search Results: A creative way to ask a girl out for prom

Promposals Are The Way To Go: 10 Creative Ways To Ask Her To Prom

It's prom season! And I know you fellas might need some tips to asking your dream date to prom. Cheesy and creative is probably the way to go for your promposal to ensure that she says "yes". 1. Change your name in her...

My Top Five Prom Proposal Ideas

As we enter the middle of the month of May, many high schools have already had their prom, or are having/about to have their prom. Instead of focusing on the doom, and gloom of prom season(Read about my high school prom...

My Experience As A Girl Living In One Of "The Most Dangerous Places" In The UK

I live in one of the most dangerous places in the UK - that's not just out of England, that's Wales, Scotland and Northen Ireland too. I am not saying where it is, or which city is, but where I live, is classed as one of...

Homecoming Tips for Guys

Homecoming season is here, and it's a great time for all high school students. For girls, it's easy. All girls do is slip on a Goodwill dress, get ready in about 10 minutes, look for guys to hook up with, get wasted, and...

Why John Mayer is a Hero Of Men

I used to think I was the only guy who was down with JM Music. He seems to have gone from a female fantasy to more of a Bro who makes soft emotinal music that guys are into more than girls. I'm generalizing of course, but...

The Butterfly People: A myTake on Asperger's Syndrome Awareness

Asperger's Syndrome; have you ever heard of it? It's a branch in the Autisim community where the majority of our people can be highly intellegent, yet socially awkward due to the abnormal wiring of our nureons-not to be...