
Search Results: Is a smack on the butt just playful or does it

Is a smack on the butt just playful or does it mean more?

I've been in an on again off again "relationship" with a guy for two years. We have lived together now for almost 8 months. He says that he doesn't want to be with me because he's not attracted to me. Yet, we often take...
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My wife's sister all ways grabs, pinches or smacks my ass and I'm wondering if I should say something?

She is quite a bit younger than my wife and by nature is kind of a flirt. I'm not thinking she's got a thing for me but I am starting to feel uncomfortable. I'll give you an example, about two weeks ago she bought me a...
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A guy who makes fun of me and teases me?!

I like this guy he always teases me and makes fun of me since I am short. He calls me names and pokes me on my side which makes me jump or scream. he starts laughing after wards which makes me laugh. His friends always...
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