
Search Results: #alllivesmatter

Should I, a former right-wing, turned left-wing guy — be attracted to this #AllLivesMatter girl?

This Asian girl captioned "#alllivesmatter" with a black screen on insta and she is starting to make me feel less attracted to her Let me start by saying this, she's a self described aerialist, yogi, she looks 18.....
This Asian girl captioned "#alllivesmatter" with a black screen on insta and she is starting to make me feel less attracted to her Let me start by saying this, she's a self Show More
Up to you, dirtbag!!
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#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter

This question seems to come up from time to time on this and other forums. Rather than addressing each question about the subject, I thought I would write down my thoughts. I apologize if I’m merely repeating what has...

Why I Despise "Black Lives Matter"

Well, I don’t literally hate the notion of saying that “Black lives matter”, what I hate, is the tendency to base vehement sentiments on pure anecdotes and guilt-mongering, which is what the movement often does. Facts and...

Where I Stand On Police Violence Against Blacks, and Racism

I have to admit it's been pretty appalling for me to witness racism lately here on GaG concerning the racial issues with the police in America. Of course, it isn't the first time I've seen it on the web, as I also saw it...

Why #BlackLivesMatter Shouldn't Exist

So black people want to be treated equal right? So black people don't want to be thought of as different right? So black people want the same rights as white people right? So WHY is there a movement for them? This is...

All Life Matters: It's Power and Importance

Hey guys, yes. To start off this myTake we're going to begin with Genesis. Genesis 2:7 (NIV) Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man...