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+1 y

What do you think is going to happen with this whole clown thing?

A lot of stupid people are going to dress up as clowns and hopefully get arrested or a clown is gonna get killed by someone with a gun. Then there will be some kind of clown outbreak and clowns... Trending & News

+1 y

What does it mean when a guy says you are his 'favorite' when he is already dating another girl?

He could just mean you're his favorite friend. I don't know the guy though so I don't know if he's trying to hit on you. But my guess is he just sees you as a best friend maybe. Dating

+1 y

My boyfriend almost died?

Probably call in people to get him some mental help, jesus. Normal people don't try to kill themselves right away after a break up. Especially hang themselves... Not to be rude at all, but... Relationships

+1 y

I'm not looking for a relationship right now- truth or bullshit?

How are we supposed to know, some people just don't want to date. Relationships

+1 y

Do I have a psychological issue if I feel the need to wear a base layer?

Everybody does different strange things in their life everyday that might be unique to everyone else. As long as it isn't damaging to you or anyone I don't see the problem. But to answer your... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why are vegans such attention whores?

They think they're doing us some kind of "service" by looking down on us if we eat meat and shoving vegan bs in our face. Honestly I don't care what anyone eats, I just dont need it shoved in my... Society & Politics

+1 y

Found out my boyfriend has a long distance girlfriend?

The problem with that is you started the relationship being lied too and now that relationship is honestly fake in my opinion. If he really wanted to take things serious and be with you then he... Relationships

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