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1 y

Girls, how do you think a man should treat his woman?

A man should make the effort to find out how his woman would like to be treated instead of enforcing on her how he thinks he should be treating a woman 🥰🥰 No, seriously. I've seen marriages... Relationships

+1 y

Why do girls try to make a guy jealous?

Usually they do when they think they aren't getting enough attention or taken for granted so they try to make their men jealous and make them think they have to put more effort or just remind them... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Girls, Would you hook up with a handsome and charming guy who is 5’4”?

I'm it into hookups but I can see myself being open to hooking up or casually dating a short guy. Now when it comes to dating seriously I would consider his attitude towards his height, I have a... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How much has this been true about women in your experience: Girls apologize when they sneeze but not when they are wrong?

I find it much easier to apologize since I realized that an explanation is not a justification. The primary reason why I found it hard to apologize looking back was because I felt like... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Which Geography's Women Are Much More Attractive?

The categories are all over the place lmao. British/American, really? You realize both places have women of all races? If you mean people Native to the land then Britain has White people America... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Ladies would you date a guy who frequents prostitues? Or if you were already dating the guy and found out he's frequented prostitutes before you?

I wouldn't date a guy who has been to a prostitute even once! Unless it is like he was very young and it has been a long time since he did it and he genuinely feels remorseful about it. Otherwise,... Dating

+1 y

What do you think if a girl goes without a bra?

Most people probably don't care and wouldn't notice unless it is very visible or prominent because if boob size or the material of clothing etc. In that case... She's not a naive little girl... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is it really true that tall guys usually go for short girls?

Some tall guys like short women, and some tall guys like tall women, but most don't care all that much. Same applies to men of any height really, lol. Also, culture matters a lot. Where I... Dating

+1 y

What are women better at than men?

Physically, surviving famines thanks to naturally having a higher body fat percentage. Mentally, I don't know how to describe it exactly but I'll try my best: I think women have better attention... Dating

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