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+1 y

My boyfriend's friend keeps hitting on me?

Tell this guy he's upsetting you. Straight out. Explain how uncomfortable you feel around him- play him at his own game if you have to and play the victim (although I wouldn't suggest that). If... Relationships

+1 y

Why do teen girls show off their boobs to guys during their teens?

First of all, not all girls do that!! Second of all, girls don't always do it for guys! (Granted some do) some girls do it because they're confident and like to make the most of their... Flirting

+1 y

Girls - can you help me figure out why this girl acts so strangely around me?

Well she may dislike you... But that seems unlikely!! She sounds quite shy and scared to approach you. It's not because you've scared her, but because she doesn't want to say the wrong thing to... Girl's Behavior

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