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+1 y

Why would a guy friend ask about your sex life?

probably because he's interested in you or maybe he's worried about you for some reason. It's hard to tell for sure without knowing him personally. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Does anyone bible study every weekend?

these are some websites that will help you understand the Christian view of the world's origin: These websites do research and studies based... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is my boyfriend a shithead? What should I do?

He didn't do anything because you didn't let him. You didn't respond to his texts or calls. What was he supposed to do? Sit around crying and waiting for you to give him the time of day? Relationships

+1 y

Which color of the rainbow do you like best?

Violet obviously. Violet is the smallest visible wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum. It also has TONS more energy than other light. Other

+1 y

How do you like "Thick Eyebrows" in women?

Nah not to thick for me. If she has naturally thin-ish eyebrows though, she shouldn't do anything to them. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Who have you turned down in the past for a relationship? Do you regret turning down them down later on, or it doesn't really bother you?

I once turned down a girl who a year later started dating a good friend of mine. Do I regret it? Not a bit. Flirting

+1 y

Does life begin or end at marriage?

Depends on your definition of beginning and ending. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

How annoying is to have balls?

Not annoying at all. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

"I like your dress" compliment from a guy?

no... it simply means he thinks you're pretty in the dress or even just likes the colors of the dress. Dating

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