Do you use a washcloth, sponge, or just your hand to wash your body?

Personally I use a washcloth to wash my body. I feel like I need to use a washcloth to scrub my body and clean well. I don’t...
13 27

Guys, What do you think of non slim thick girls?

As in girls with an hourglass and waists thinner than their hips and breasts while not being super slim.

Can I see your tattoo (s) ?

What inspired you to get that particular tattoo and where is is located?

Do You Like This Blue Corset Top?

Follow Up: 💙 Is This A Nice Outfit To Wear To A Concert? OR should I wear something more revealing...
15 54

What is your go to cologne or perfume?

What scent is your favorite to wear? (I personally wear VS bombshell, but looking for a new scent) What cologne or perfume is...
20 33

Would you wear these or not?

You have to think what's going on in people's heads that design clothes like this

Is it weird that I'm jealous girls can't wear jockstraps?

okay so sometimes I get jealous of men because they can wear jockstraps but women are stuck only wearing thongs? I like feeling sexy,...
2 13

Who is your favorite Victoria's Secret Angel?

you can explain why, if you want to...
29 19

What is your favorite piercing on a woman?

Dimple Ears Naval Nose Lip Tongue Gauges
10 13

Girls, do you find happy trails attractive?

Something no more than this, or do you prefer shaven happy trails?

European people vs American people Which is more beautiful and sexy?

i think europeans better than americans
11 14

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