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+1 y

What’s your favorite meme?

Are we talking format, or specific memes? Assuming you mean format, I'd go with doge. Some say it is dead, but I say it's like a fine wine that ages with grace. Nowadays, they have the ironic... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What’s your favorite Foo Fighters song?

Oooh I really like Foo Fighters so that is tough to decide. I think Everlong ranks as my top— that song is just gold. It’s emotional but still super carchy. I consider it one of those songs that... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Which genre this song is?

I would call it modern pop with some various influences. It is still classified as pop, albeit it maybe has some hip-hop influences. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Rate these lyrics?

I’m a songwriter, but I wouldn’t consider myself a master lyricist, so take what I have with a chunk of salt. That being said, I felt they could use a bit of work. More specifically, I thought... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Guitar players, I need to know how to write guitar tableture? Can somebody explain some way?

So you forgot how to read them? If I understand the question correctly... The basic premise to reading them is that each line for the tab represents a string. (Hence, tab made for a 6 string... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How do I record an amp simulators sound in windows?

I'm a bit confused what you're going for. So you want to record through the two amps at the same time, like a splitter? I use Logic X mainly, but I'm sure you could do the same in... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Rate these lyrics?

I would say they are average. They could use some work. My general criticism is that they sound a bit, I don't know, cheesy... like an 80s rock song. I think the general theme is perfectly... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What are some good hyper-realistic anime tv shows/movies out there?

I imagine that you'd love 3-gatsu no Lion. It has beautiful art, an emotional storyline, and 2 seasons. The fact it has a 9/10 on MAL says a lot already.... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What do you think of this instrumental?

I really liked it! My favorite part was probably the legato-lead section at 3:38. I'll have to check out more of his stuff sometime. Have you heard of Stevie T's Shadowed By Darkness? It has a... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Are the Beatles considered a rock band?

Oooh that's a pretty tricky question to answer actually. I don't want to give a cop out answer, but I'd actually say both. After all, "pop" stands for popular and denotes a sound made to palatable... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How can I sing while playing piano?

So it's where you're able to sing if you're playing piano, but once you start piano, it's hard to sing at the same time? If I understand correctly, my advice would be to practice playing the piano... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Any guitar players here? How hard is it to teach yourself guitar at home?

*cough* Here's my [positively shameless] myTake plug over this very subject: Guitar for the Superstar: The Ultimate Guide to Starting to Learn Guitar ↗ It's long, but fear not, for I put a... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Advice for a musician here?

Oh yeah— I’ve definitely had run ins into this issue before. At least you are noticing it now. I noticed when I finished tabbing out the song! There are a couple ways to help you get around... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

In your opinion what is the best Dirty Harry Movie?

I still haven't seen The Enforcer or The Dead Pool, but from the rest I have seen, I'd say my favorite was the first. I thought the way they handled the bad guy was good, since they didn't... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How would you take it if YouTube died?

I’ll be bored for the month, maybe less, before a new video service replaced it. Even if YouTube died suddenly, it’s not like all the YouTubers and fans suddenly disappeared. I bet they’d just... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

(Possible Spoilers) In The Original Dark Souls, Favorite Weapon And Hardest Boss Enemy?

In my first run, I put like nothing into vitality and ridiculous amounts of levels into endurance, strength, and dex. (I didn’t know it tapered off.) Because of that, I wore basically full Havel... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why Does Pewdiepie Now Have 95 Million Subscribers to His Videos, While Others Have Only a Couple Hundred?

I think he is still out 92 mil, but that’s besides the point. I would say there are several reasons: 1.) He started awhile back and has made consistent content. In 2011, he began the channel,... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What song are you listening to right now?

I’ve had the song Halfway There by Soundgarden on my mind recently, so I was just playing that actually One I’ve been putting on repeat though has been Nocturne by... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Can anyone be YouTube famous if they work hard enough on it?

Although I'd like to say yes, I think the reality of the situation is no. There are plenty of channels that work for years and years, posting content daily and grinding out "let's plays" or... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Anyone got good guitar tabs for acoustic guitar?

Any genre you are looking for in particular? First things that comes to mind are the Sungha Jung tabs on Songsterr. There are a decent amount of them. They vary in difficulty, but they’re usually... Entertainment & Arts

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