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+1 y

You’re going out for sushi, what’s your pick?

I love 4, but 4 is something that even some Japanese don't like, so it would probably scare the shit out of most Americans. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you agree or disagree with this categorisation of European capitals as interesting to visitors? Tier 1 being best, Tier 3 being worst etc?

At first, I thought this was going to be some shocking classification the various European head of governments were going to agree to... Then I saw the "Unvisited" section. Why is London hard... Travel

+1 y

If you could go to Mars for 3 years and safely come home, would you?

I don't know. I mean, I like the idea of setting foot on Mars. But 3 years is a very long time. Considering that I'm not an astronaut, it would be challenging to explain this 3-year gap in my CV.... Travel

+1 y

How well do you deal with jet lag?

I travel a lot and usually deal with 12-24 hour flights. More if there are stop-overs. I find that the older I get, the worse jet lag gets to me, and thus the more time I need to recover.... Travel

+1 y

Settle an argument for me do caffinated drinks make you have to urinate more or less?

Coffee has a mild diuretic effect. It has been posited that this diuretic effect is stronger in people who don't usually drink coffee. However, the jury is still out on this. As for... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like chinese food?

Authentic Chinese food, yes. American Chinese food, rarely. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like wontons?

Yes, but definitely NOT the deep-fried Wontons American Chinese cuisine seem to favor. Those have way too much oil for my liking. In China, and any Chinese communities outside China,... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Does anyone wanna buy a house in Sardinia for $1?

Except for a holiday villa, or perhaps selling it to someone else for a profit after sprucing it up, I can't see any reason to. Unless, I suppose having the property will improve one's... Travel

+1 y

Would you eat sea cucumber?

Why is this one so spiky? The ones I eat are usually not like this. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Have you ever been put off going back to a country, because of the way you were treated by Immigration Officers?

I've never been treated badly by any immigration officer. In fact, sometimes I feel like they treat me whatever the opposite of a threat is. Just a little greeting, a quick scan, and goodbye. Some... Travel

+1 y

How do you feel about eating fast food?

The only "fast food" place I go to is Nando's! Too bad they don't have it in the US. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do u like turtle cake?

Have you looked into taking some Food Photography classes? There are some online courses that might help with that as well. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Have you ever been to Moses Lake Washington?

Anything interesting there? Travel

+1 y

When you travel to another country, do you try to blend in or stand out?

It depends where I'm going. I try to blend in, of course. In Japan, I can do this extremely well. In Scotland, not so much. Although I'm very happy to try on a kilt if it helps. Travel

+1 y

Spanish food: what do you rather give a taste, original paella or arroz negro?

How do I choose if I've eaten both. Lol. This is too difficult!!! Food & Beverage

+1 y

Have you ever eaten tripe?

Yes. But I've only eaten it in two ways. And I think, because it's challenging to get tripe tasting right, these two ways are probably my go-to when it comes to tripe, and I might need some... Food & Beverage

+1 y

What type of chocolate do you prefer?

I can go up to 90% Cocoa. 100% Cocoa is a little too much for me. I usually stick to 70-90%. I don't like my chocolate to be sweet. Food & Beverage

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