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+1 y

Will you make fun of my takoyaki?

You've got balls. Octopus balls. They look really good! Food & Beverage

+1 y

Up for stir fry? What do ya think?

If I don't have time, I always stir fry. Quickest way to cook a meal, IMHO. You just have to have a hot enough stove to give you that "wok's breath", but even if you don't have that, you can still... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Why do tourists seem to prefer South Korea to japan. Is it cost?

I don't think this is the case. In January 2019, Japan had 2.689 million tourists. In the same month, South Korea had 1.104 million tourists. Where did you get your figures from? I... Travel

+1 y

Would you eat them?

I haven't eaten one before. Have you? I wouldn't mind trying, but I'm not sure whether I might be apprehensive at eating a live one. What people don't know about coconut worms, also known... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?

My last name literally translates to Center of Mountain, so yeah, mountains for me. Plus it's just colder up on a mountain, you know? And I like the cold. Travel

+1 y

What's the most exotic thing you've ever eaten?

Rambutan (that fruit in the picture) is horrifically expensive in the US. Food & Beverage

+1 y

You up for this lunch?

Reminds me of this Chinese Hakka Pork and Yam dish. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like Falafel?

I've had it a few times. Is it supposed to be crunchy or soft, actually? Food & Beverage

+1 y

What’s your favorite?

I always seem to crave savory food. Never sweet food. I'm always craving like a hot, noodle soup, or a chicken burger, or pizza, or good stew or chili, chorizo, fried eggs, boiled eggs,... Food & Beverage

+1 y

How much do you think I would need in Bali for 10 days?

If you only use that money for Food + Drinks + Shopping, and you're a more budget conscious type, than US 30-40 a day would be enough. Food is cheap if you don't go to the touristy areas. Even if... Travel

+1 y

Do you like tacos?

You're back. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Guys, is it a turn off if a woman can eat? Ladies, do you get shy around your boo/your date?

It depends. I'm not a fan of women starving themselves and going to starvation mode just because they want to lose some pounds. They inevitably do more damage to themselves over the long run.... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you spend $200 dollars a month on one particular food?

I try to spend no more than $200 a month for food (for one person), so getting $200 worth of food for just one food type is a no-go for me. Unlike most people, I'm fine with the idea of eating the... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you ever fly with an airline, just because it was cheap, without checking its safety record first?

I ALWAYS check an airline's safety record. Of course, statistically, you're far more likely to die in a motor incident or someone mugging you on the streets, but seeing as how I'm a frequent... Travel

+1 y

Would you eat Bog Butter?

Sure. THAT particular specimen, probably not. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Which country has the best castle architecture?

I think the Great Wall should be considered the Chinese castle. There might not be White Walkers and wildlings in China, but at the time of its construction, the Great Wall was considered a... Travel

+1 y

Would you eat these?

Chestnuts sure. When I was growing up in Asia, you could find vendors everywhere, with their carts, selling roasted chestnuts. Food & Beverage

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