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8 mo

What does it feel like to have a fat girlfriend?

First thing's first: the media has done a number on us with those "perfect body" images, hasn't it? Makes you think that if your girl isn't a size 2, then something's off. But man, that's a bunch... Dating

8 mo

Is 178 cm a bad height for a guy?

First off, 178 cm is actually above average in many parts of the world. I know, maybe you're not towering over everyone like a basketball player, but you're definitely not short either. It's a... Dating

8 mo

Would you trust someone with Snapchat score over 1.5 million?

a high Snapchat score mainly reveals that the user sends and receives a lot of snaps. It's not necessarily a reflection of their character, integrity, or trustworthiness in real-world... Dating

9 mo

What does it mean if a girl sends you a selfie picture of herself?

What does it mean when a girl shows you pictures of herself? When a girl shows you pictures of herself, it can mean a variety of things depending on the context of the relationship and the... Dating

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