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+1 y

Are Polish women with a nice, curvy-athletic body shape (like the pictures in this question) a rarity or nearly non-existent?

I've never ever seen that muscular girl in public and in person ever. I've been to Poland... and nope... no women like that there either... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why is it wrong for Putin to allegedly have a traitor assainated but morally right for Britain& America to do the same for years with drones?

*Presuming everything is true... The only problem I can see is that Russia is intimidating and threatening their people by executing everyone in public, on the open, while America and the GB are... Trending & News

+1 y

Is this suit too big?

Looks comfortable... looks good to me. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

“Another woman’s beauty doesn’t take away from your own.” Do you think this is true?

Hahahaha This is a bit of a thinker... I think it makes sense when it is spoken for individuals when they're not compared nor close to each other physically. When two women are standing one... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do ALL women naturally have armpit hair, but than just remove it, or do some women just never have it?

All women who've gone through puberty have it. I've never seen so much of it, though... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think animal experiments are essential for human advancement?

Yes, obviously it's necessary... Since some of those animals have similar structures, bodily chemistry as humans. Those types of experiments have been done forever.. and even though we live in... Trending & News

+1 y

Age of consent?

In my opinion the proper age for consent is when you can also vote, drink alcohol, smoke and do all those other things 'adults' do. In my country, 18 is legally considered an adult. Trending & News

+1 y

What are your thoughts on the ongoing chaos in Syria?

Of course itisn't justified.. the government there is there for themselves, not the people (like every other government I'm familiar with)... So no... how could it be justified? Trending & News

+1 y

Is aya jones the most beautiful person youve see?

Beautiful, but I don't think one person is the most beautiful person on the planet... there are plenty of them... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What do you think about violin hips?

Is that what those hips are called? Huh... interesting... They're hips... as long as they function... who cares what they're called. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Girls, are you familiar with David Kibbe's body type theory?

I never heard about this and I am not particularly interested in knowing what it is either... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Hapa or Asians?

Both... why differentiate if all are beautiful? Both pics you posted of all those women are really pretty. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Did you know, 88 years ago today Pluto was discovered?

No... but I think it's such a rude thing to exclude Pluto from the planets... :( Trending & News

+1 y

Who Do you think is the ugliest man alive?

Trump is the ugliest of the ones you posted... so voted for him (weird saying that... hahaha). Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Meet Instagram’s favorite unibrowed model who is redefining feminine beauty, what are your thoughts?

I always loved a unibrown on someone because that meant they had excellent eyebrows, they just needed to wax the middle part off... So the potential is there. The thing I can't understand is... Women's Day

+1 y

Why do girls have stretch marks more than boys?

Women's bodies expand and soften while men's bodies firm up... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is shaming wrong?

Because it says a LOT more about the shamer than the shamee... Meaning: the person who feels the need to shame is the person with a tone of problems which he/she is trying to 'cure' or deflect by... Trending & News

+1 y

Cleavage flashing - Sexy hot or Vulgar disturbance?

Depends on the situation and where you are I guess... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Which Balkan European country do you think has the most beautiful women?

The votes are pretty stereotypical... Apparently they're going off of your pics alone (which just isn't correct), or they're going off of those stereotypes they're aware of - meaning most of what... Fashion & Beauty

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