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JEALOUSY SCALE :Rate your Jealousy within a relationship?

I was jealous in my previous relationship, I have come to discover that to safe your relationship you have to eliminate jealousy. Relationships

+1 y

Should I lose more weight or stay the way I am?

It is totally your choice, But if you have a partner that likes the way you are then why bother. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Girls, what are some signs a girl likes you or is interested?

A girl that likes you listens, She advises you, she wants to see you, she wants to hear from you. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you rather suffer from cancer or from anorexia?

Suffer from non. Be healthy, most sickness are connected to the mind. Be happy and be healthy. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Can a guy ever regret losing a good girl?

Yes they do, it happens. People mostly feel the absence when they meet someone that is not as good as one, that is when the memory sets in. Break Up & Divorce

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