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+1 y

Who is your favorite 90s model?

Heidi Klum and Kate Moss. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Have you ever had Low Country Boil?

Doesn’t look very appetizing to me. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you rather your girl wear yoga pants or short skirts for her whole life?

A skirt. I really dislike wearing leggings outside of the gym or home. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is it really that bad to have high standards?

Standards are fine, but most of yours seem quite shallow (physical). Relationships

+1 y

Do women lie about their height?

I don't think any guy has ever intentionally lied to me about their height. My boyfriend told me he was 187 when he's actually 186, but I'm pretty sure it was by mistake. I never lie about my... Dating

+1 y

Do you like salad?

Yeah, but only when it’s got lots of different veggies, seasoning and some meat or cheese. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like flying?

I enjoy flying because I associate it with traveling. I tend to get small mid-flight paranoia though. Travel

+1 y

Have u ever smoked weed? did u like it?

Yeah. It’s usually fun, but it depends on a lot of factors, like the strain of weed, what mood you’re in, the people you’re with... I’ve had a couple paranoid highs but it’s not that bad. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Give me your thoughts about my VALENTINE GIFT IDEA?

I think you thought of more than enough things tbh. I’m not giving my boyfriend anything for Valentine’s Day because I think it’s an unnecessary holiday. Out of these ideas, I’d give him maybe the... Valentine's Day

+1 y

What do gothic girls smell like?

Im pretty sure they smell like whatever perfume they use. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Girls, Is there a relationship with a foreigner?

I’ve dated guys from foreign countries before. It’s not really any different from dating someone from your own country if you’re from similar cultures. I’ve never dated someone who’s background... Valentine's Day

+1 y

Do you honestly believe college is still worth it, financially speaking?

It depends on what you're studying, and why. Some people just go to university to study, and I think that's a waste of time and money. If somebody is determined to become a therapist, for example,... Education & Career

+1 y

What do you think of men wearing high heels?

They should do whatever they want, I just don't find it attractive. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Which instagram fitness model is sexier?

Anllela has a better face, Jen has a better body. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you remember this girl?

Overly attached girlfriend! Technology & Internet

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